Becoming Instate?

<p>I am curious about something, my s is going to live off campus next year. He has a signed lease for one year in his name and his car will be registered and insured in Alabama. Does anyone know if he will be an Alabama resident and then eligible for instate tuition? I don’t think so but am not sure.</p>

<p>i don’t think so, either. usually you have to move to a state and live without going to school for a year to “convert” yourself to an instate student. some states/schools are more lenient, but i don’t think alabama is one of them.</p>


<p>To be reclassified for tuition purposes, one must prove by satisfying evidence that one is a “resident student.” One’s status as a resident student is determined by one of six (6) methods by proving that:</p>

<p>(a) One has a residence in the state of Alabama which means the specific address in Alabama at which they reside, that they intend to remain there indefinitely, and that they have more substantial connections with Alabama than with any other state; and
(b) One has been a resident of the state for at least one year immediately preceding the date of registration; or</p>

<p>One is not a “minor” and is a full-time employee (not temporary) of the University of Alabama or is the spouse of such an employee; or</p>

<p>Is able to verify full-time permanent employment within the state of Alabama and shall commence said employment not more than ninety (90) days after registration (first day of classes) with the institution, or is the spouse of such an employee;</p>

<p>One is a member or the spouse of a member of the United States military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school; (Members of the National Guard or Reserves are not included in this provision); or</p>

<p>One is a resident of any county within fifty (50) miles of the University of Alabama and has been a resident of that county for at least one year immediately preceding the date of registration. “Resident” shall have the same meaning, as to the relevant county, which it has as to the State of Alabama in the definitions section of the Non-resident Tuition Policy statement (Lowndes and Noxubee counties in Mississippi are eligible).</p>

<p>One has been a member of the Alabama National Guard for a period of at least two years immediately preceding the student qualifying for resident tuition and continues to be a member of the Alabama National Guard while enrolled at the public institution of higher education.</p>

<p>If one is a minor, then the minor’s “supporting person,” as that term is defined in the Non-resident Tuition Policy statement, must meet similar tests which are described in the Non-resident Tuition Policy.</p>

<p>Thanks bethsmom. I appreciate the info. Instate will not apply to us.</p>