In State Tuition

<p>Sorry if these questions have been answered. I searched and didn’t find answers that specifically address my situation. I am a Junior at UA from Georgia paying out of state tuition and have a friend that goes to Georgia State University that wants to come to Alabama. This is her current plan:</p>

<li>Transfer to Shelton State and take classes during the second part of the semester starting march 2011. </li>
<li>Get a part time job and try to get in state tuition while taking classes at Shelton</li>
<li>Transfer to UA when she gets in state tuition, since it takes a year it would probably be in Fall 2012</li>

<p>My questions are about how she would get in state tuition. I know it would take a year to do. Her parents moved to California and are the ones that pay her current bills. What it seems like she would need to do is get a place in her name, get an Alabama drivers license, register to vote in Alabama, and get a job. It also lists one of the requirements to get qualify for in state is be independent financially if your parents do not live in state. How does she deal with that. Would having a small income from a part time job do it? Or would she need to take out loans to pay for tuition?</p>

<p>Also for her housing, would she need to own it? Or would renting it be enough? My uncle has a bunch of land in Alabama, would it work for him to sell her a small amount and her to build a shack and have a small utility bill there and say that is her residence?</p>

<p>Any information would be very helpful.</p>

<p>Information about the requirements to be considered a resident of Alabama can be found at [The</a> Office of The University Registrar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]The”> . I’d suggest calling UA and asking them the best way for her to gain Alabama residency.</p>

<p>The way residency requirements often work, she will have to live in Alabama for a year while not attending college. There may be a way around this if she moves to Alabama and attends a college outside Alabama (probably as an online student) as a non-resident since she won’t be in Alabama for educational purposes. If she obtains residency in Lowndes or Noxubee counties in Mississippi, she would also qualify for in-state tuition.</p>