being on the deans list, higher chances?

<p>If you're on the dean's list at my university, and I am trying to transfer to UCLA, how are my chances? do they look at that? btw i've also received a freshman's academic award. and by the end of this semester... my GPA will be, hopefully, ATLEAST a 3.5. Also, do they look at the number of units you took and how determined you are by taking winter and summer classes?</p>

<p>btw.. im trying to transfer to a uc from a csu</p>

<p>They look at unit count, yes.
And community college students have priority over CSU.
Dean's List I think will look good but to an extent. There are a lot of community college people that perform well and obsess just as much about their grades and so a lot of people achieve that. Still, it's a minority when you compare it to the number of students in the school.
Good luck and I hope you get in! :)</p>