<p>Does anynody know how the religious atmosphere is at Bowdoin. I’m an avid Christian, involved with yout groups and LifeTeen and stuff; can anybody tell me if I will possibly find others like myself (fervent Christians) at Bowdoin?</p>
<p>Bowdoin is a very small school, and has a fairly liberal student body. My sense is that while there may be a fair number of traditional Christians, you won't find a lot of evangelicals.</p>
<p>I have a friend at Bowdoin who is an ardent Catholic and seems to be enjoying it. From what I know (I'm going to a catholic college in Maine this year and Bates next year) there are certainly opportunities out there. And if you're a republican Maine and Bowdoin have great, nationally-known College Republican organizations (if i can make a shameless plug)</p>
<p>Haha yeah I had an interesting party experience with Gardiner Holland a while back. They got a good group going on there. How did you feel about the whole "Uncle Tom" labeling of Vernon Robinson anyway?</p>
<p>Gardiner is a good guy, he was one of my econ problem set partners first semester. I think the whole Vernon thing was ridiculous, our campus was so riled up over a variety of things for like two weeks, all of these stressful factors combined to make it pretty tense politically.</p>
<p>I didn't actually go to see Vernon, I had voted against him on my NC Ballot, and there was another talk that night, so I'm not in too much of a position to comment beyond the fact that I wish the dems and reps hadnt had sucha contumacious two weeks.</p>
<p>the "uncle tom" label came from ONE person out of a school of nearly 2000 people, and we received letters of outrage against the entire school because of it. i thought that was a bit uncalled for. i take no personal stand on the "uncle tom" labeling itself, but i think the reaction was rather outrageous - just as "bad" as the labeling itself, when it comes down to it. it was kind of sickening to read the orient opinion section, these past few weeks.</p>
<p>That's what I was hoping to hear, that that rogue writer didn't represent the majority of liberal/Democrat students. </p>
<p>BTW look for a new edition of the newspaper that I edit and write for, The Pachyderm Press. We've got an article from lots of conservative students as well as from the liberal New Deal professor Dan Levine (from Bowdoin). It will be out sometime shortly after april 9th</p>