<p>What are the benefits and drawbacks of each engineering program? Which school do most employers want to hire from? I know that U.T. has a higher ranking engineering school but would that matter a whole lot because A&M also has a good engineering school?</p>
<p>Both are very good programs. Go to the school who will give you the most financial aid, or where you feel the most comfortable.</p>
<p>You will do well in your career with a degree from either place.</p>
<p>I agree with AMom2. Both schools have strong engineering programs. I believe UT is ranked 11th and A&M 17th by US News for undergraduate engineering programs. The difference isn’t a huge one. Take the one which gives you a better offer, assuming all else is equal.</p>
<p>If you get a degree from either place you’re set. Both are fantastic.</p>
<p>If you get money from A&M and none from UT(and the money is a factor), then go to A&M. A&M has a better network for new graduates, so it will help you in that respect. If the money isn’t a big issue, I personally would choose(and chose) UT. I like the environment and the city better. But I was a Longhorn since the age of 8, so it really wasn’t much of a choice for me.</p>
<p>So basically both programs are comparable? Like I wouldn’t miss out on future job opportunities/internships if I went to A&M instead of UT? I am planning on doing electrical engineering and as far as I know most of the computer companies are located in Austin. Would this not matter in terms of internships/co-op during undergrad if I chose A&M over UT?</p>
<p>i don’t think getting money is much of an issue at either place.</p>
<p>I think the ECE is probably the best engineering program at UT.</p>
<p>MikeWozowski what do you mean that getting money is much of an issue at either place? Wouldn’t A&M give more because it has more money to offer to students who have decent credentials such as top 10%, SAT of about 2000, etc.? UT barely offers any money I thought.</p>
<p>Anyone care to share their opinion and advice? Thanks.</p>
<p>I know people at both schools and I honestly believe you will be fine either way. But I can tell you a little about both schools and maybe that will help you decide. UT has a more diverse student population and a much more liberal student body. A&M is a much more conservative student body and less diverse. A&M has a considerably friendlier small town atmosphere. UT is in the middle of Austin and is quite crowded. Both are football crazy. Both schools have a lot of night life-bars and such. But UT is more of a party school and has more concerts and stuff like that. If you are a christian A&M probably has more students like you, thousands of aggies meet every tuesday night in the basketball stadium for worship and bible study. If you are thinking of doing the frat boy thing UT is much more greek and is probably for you. Both have huge student bodies, UT’s is larger.
Academically Both have big classes. Hopefully that helps-best of luck either way you choose.
It’s just a matter of choice. I know some people who absolutely hate the environment of college station and i know some who hate the environment of austin.
As far as money, as long as you are happy where you are going to college thats all matters. Go where you feel comfortable. If you are going there just because of money won’t make you happy and will probably hurt you academically.</p>
<p>karoloro are you indian because your name suggests that you are? Also, you copied and pasted this guy’s response from Yahoo Answers: [If</a> you had a choice between University of Texas Austin or Texas A&M University, Which would you go to? - Yahoo! Answers](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/question/index;_ylt=AhtMmg56FCgI06kH.Z1YgrIjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080222191338AATEjpm]If”>http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/question/index;_ylt=AhtMmg56FCgI06kH.Z1YgrIjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080222191338AATEjpm)</p>
<p>I highly doubt that you are this person. Anyways, which university are you attending and are you studying engineering?</p>
<p>Hey guys, i was just wondering if UT or Texas A&M have a good Aerospace Engineering program. Ive heard that overall they are great engineering school, i just wanted to know if anyone here has any knowledge about their Aero programs more specifically. Which one is better? Anyone going for Aero?</p>
<p>UT’s aerospace engineering is currently ranked #8 in the nation. A&M’s aerospace engineering was ranked #12 in 2008.</p>
<p>By the way I am in the exact same situation except I’m Mechanical Engr. I have been accepted to both universities and am in the same dilemma. But UT actually offered me $4,000 more than A&M.</p>
<p>^Depends on what kind of person you are. Conservative or Liberal…</p>
<p>UT-Austin is better college than TAMU(graduation rates, student to faculty ratio etc) and it offered you money. I see this as a clear choice…</p>
<p>I agree with XtremePower. UT is the better school + they offered you money.</p>
Both engineering schools are top notch. UT may be ranked slightly higher on US News but A&M is ranked higher for return on investment (see link below). UT and A&M are COMPLETELY different schools. Go to UT if you are liberal, prefer a city setting, or like to party. Go to A&M if you are more conservative or prefer a more friendly environment with incredible traditions and camaraderie. UT engineering is tougher to get into because they are smaller and the school fills quickly with students from the top 7%. In my opinion this limitation causes UT to miss out on a huge pool of incredible applicants. I’m referring to students who have killer SATs/ACTs but went to very academically competitive high schools (and thus have fallen outside of the top 7% in class rank). A&M scoops these kids up as “academic admits”. Both schools are great so visit them both and decide which you like better.