<p>I'm getting ready to start Community College (G.E.D. Recipient) and my goal for now is to get accepted to Bennington College. Do you know what the average GPA is or just in general how hard it is to get in? I'm not real worried about the GPA because I can get good grades when I do the work. Just trying to see what the average requirements would be. I'm aware a lot of people haven't gone, probably no one on here, pretty damn expensive school. Planning on writing for my CC's school newspaper as well for an ec.</p>
<p>Also how important are ACT/SAt scores for transfer students?</p>
<p>Hey there. I’m a transfer student from Pace University in New York and I’m going to Bennington next semester. So Ill try and give the best info that I can:
I believe the transfer rate is around 50% while the general admission is a little lower or a little higher, I’m not sure. My GPA is around 3.63 and I think they generally look for anything between 3.45 and 3.7. But what they’re most interested in absolutely is who YOU are as a person. I had a nice phone interview with the transfer councilor and she seemed very pleased with the amount of questions I asked. I think they’re looking for people who are really psyched about Bennington and who want to know all they can. And they want people who are really passionate about what they do, so if there’s something you’re really in to, I’d recommend learning about the corresponding program at the school so you can explain why it’s Bennington’s program you want. Also, they definitely take your writing into heavy account. So if you write an excellent essay and you’re passionate and have reasonable grades, I see no reason why you shouldn’t get in.
I’m pretty sure SAT and ACT are considered, but not important. The only reason you might want to worry is if you did REALLY bad. I mean, i got a 1900 if that’s any help.<br>
As for the money, that’s a pretty big hurdle. I was able to get a hefty scholarship without which I couldn’t go. Let me know how it goes!
Good luck!</p>