Best Bet

<p>I am a engineering major at Purdue and am interested in getting an MBA after I finish. I have read a number of threads and also know from other exposure that getting into a top program is quite hard with little work experience. With a 3.7 GPA and over 1.5 years of fulltime work during undergrad I am debating whether to just apply for the combined MBA/engineering degree offered at Purdue. However, my true desire is to attend a top program e.g. HSB, Stanford, etc. I guess that I am wondering if it is shooting at the stars to hope for acceptance to these programs with relatively little experience, as I have seen from their stats that the avg. work exp is around 5 years? What do you guys think?</p>

<p>I think you’ve gotten the idea what this board feels about experience and how it applies to acceptance to an MBA program. How is that you have 1.5 years of full time experience as an udnergrad, part-time student? Anyway, why not apply to the top tier program you want and see what happens? I wouldn’t sell myslef short, always to try to do at least one better than you think you are capable of.</p>

<p>I started out going to school fulltime, but I really needed the money, so I have also gone to school part time for some of my time here. I am thinking that perhaps the best thing to do might be to work for two years after I graduate and then apply to b-schools. At that time I should have around four years experience and will probably be a more likely candidate for admission. I don’t think I just want to settle for Purdue’s MBA…</p>