<p>I am looking for a strong biotechnology undergrad program with a emphasis / leaning towards genetics. I prefer a state university but the class sizes are a concern. Any suggestions and ideas are appreciated</p>
<p>UCSD,John Hopkins,Harvard</p>
<p>Harvard, Yale, John*s* Hopkins, UC San Diego, WashU, Vanderbilt, UWashington, Duke etc...</p>
<p>Thanks. Any idea about UC Davis program? I belive U of Washington has two campuses. Are you referring to the Pullman campus?</p>
<p>No, that's Washington State. Davis would be very good as would Wisconsin.</p>
<p>Wouldn't MIT, though its connection with the Broad Institute and the Whitehead, be a great place for genetics? I'm not up on exactly who is tied to what, but I have been told that the faculty at Broad are very responsive to MIT undergraduates.</p>
<p>The top universities in genetics should be Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Caltech, UCSF, and JHU.</p>
<p>What about Cornell's program in genetics and molecular biology? I am looking to major in either of those fields...</p>
<p>From a match perspective, I am looking for schools at the same selectivity as Wisconsin and UC Davis.</p>