<p>any finalists out there who's name is not on the list? because i am one of them. i wonder how many finalists each best buy had. i hope there were more than 3 because that would make me feel better! ha</p>
<p>did you look at the list both ways filtered by state and unfiltered? </p>
<p>Also any chance your confirmation was lost or did not get in? How near the deadline did you mail it?</p>
<p>I don't think we will be able to tell the number by store until they update the website with the store number hopefully next week. Also the amounts are not filled in. </p>
<p>european, please repost later next week and let us know if you did or did not get anything in the mail.</p>
<p>This is not a good thing. Sorry for you. Anyone else in same boat?</p>
<p>yes I looked at the list both ways and I sent the confirmation letter within two days of when I received it with wonderful volunteering insight from my sponsers</p>
<p>Site message has changed to </p>
<p>Check back Wednesday, May 3rd for the complete list of winners.</p>
<p>And Europenan, I sent mine in registered so I could track if it got there. </p>
<p>Hope its a mistake and something will show up in the mail for you.</p>
<p>I think you can look at your state in the scroll down and do an interplation using the school names of the winners. There are 2 BB close to me with 4 HS's. </p>
<p>3 from my school got in. Two i assume were from the BB closest to the school. I was from another BB closer to my home. The other person in the area is from the HS close to the second BB. </p>
<p>Also your semi form had the number of the store you were competing from. I googled my number and it came out the store closest to my home. </p>
<p>I don't know if I am helping here. I am trying and you have my sympathy. I have put I was a finalist in a couple of the apps to other scholorships and it has seemed to help. These were local ones. </p>
<p>Thanks for posting maybe it will help the folks next year. </p>
<p>Hope the site change does not mean a mistake for me but does for you</p>
<p>if you search by state it only gives teacher names</p>
<p>i don't remember giving them any teacher's names, and when i search by state, my school's not on it...
but my name is in the overall thing?</p>
<p>OK Doogie311 and nanaijuh did you look at the site today? I looked this am and just now and no names show up for me I only get what I posted above </p>
<p>Check back Wednesday, May 3rd for the complete list of winners.</p>
<p>link to other thread with more discussion</p>
<p>link to site is under nanaijuh's post on this thread. </p>
<p>was worried when the site went down but ok now</p>
<p>does anyone know who got 1000 dollars and who got 2000 dollars? is it defined by the colors? yellow=2000 dollars?</p>
<p>What colors are you referencing? The only thing I noticed was that every other name in the list had a shaded color area, but I think that was just done to make the list easier to view.</p>
<p>so do we get 1000 or 2000 dollars? how do we know?</p>
<p>So if you name is on the list after your state.Does that mean you recieved a scholarship</p>
<p>has anyone received a paper notification, process of attaining the award, etc.?</p>
<p>My son received his information from Scholarship America in today's mail (but we only live an hour away from their headquarters in St. Peter, MN, so I'm sure others will get their letters in the next few days). It says payment will be coming Aug. 15th.</p>
<p>how do they distinguish those who got 1k and those who got 2k?</p>
<p>i live in AZ...i haven't gotten anything yet</p>
<p>The way I understood it was that everyone who is beyond the 50-mile radius from a Best Buy store is only eligible for $1000. For those that live WITHIN 50 miles, one person gets $1000 for that store number and another person gets $2000. I assume your letters will state the amounts when they arrive, but until then it looks like you are left in limbo. Either way -- $1000 or $2000 -- it all helps!</p>
<p>Yay i got my letter today! $2k baby!</p>
<p>Laffytaffy - where you are from?</p>
<p>yeah! i got my letter today too ...."unfortunately, not every finalist receives an award" </p>
<p>and they got my hopes up and everything. i must have been the back up. thank god for elks scholarship!</p>
<p>are you listed on the best buy website that went up this weekend?</p>