Best choice other than Mosher for engineer?

DS listed the Engineering LLC in Mosher as his first choice for housing, but I’ve learned that the commons will be closed all year for renovations. 2 of the 4 commons dorms will also be housing Corp of Cadets since their dorms are also being renovated. Since one of the perks to the Commons area was proximity to dining and group study/hang out areas, I’m concerned that the closure is going to make Mosher feel really cut off and isolated. What would be a next best choice for dorm? Maybe modulars like Hobby?

My son is an Engineering freshman. So far he has taken very few classes near Mosher. He lives in Lechner. Sbisa Dining Hall is close by. Also, he likes being able to walk across University for CVS, UPS, restaurants, and Northgate. The other modulars in that area would be equally as convenient. Unfortunately, I can’t help with specifics about life in the specific dorms.

It sounds like the Corps will still be dining in Duncan, so the Commons dining hall will be quieter than usual. I think the engineers in Mosher will have a lot of fun no matter what. There are four modular dorms close to the commons if you really want Southside. Engineering majors live everywhere and as a freshman, he’ll probably still have science, history and English classes. The modulars are all good choices on Northside as well.

Hullabaloo is great but it is a bit of hike to Southside.

Mosher is on the far end of campus from your classes. Those “Northside” classes “Beaudreau” was talking about will be closer to the likes of Blocker, Mitchell Physics, etc. However Heldenfels is on the southside of campus so you will be literally 2 miniutes from it. I lived in Mosher and had no problems with time. Its like a 10 minute walk to the far ones. You would be better off living in Mosher so you can room with another engineering student. Chances are you will have the same professors, homework, and will both be busy (thus little partying), and you can get help asap.

Rooming with another engineering student is not necessary. My son didn’t and had a great freshman year and was admitted to both of his engineering choices. The northside is closer to the engineering buildings, Sbisa and other dining others but he did have a couple of classes in Heldenfels. But as stated the walk from one side to the other isn’t that bad unless it’s raining which seemed to happen a lot this spring. He spent lots of time in the library which is pretty central to both.

I loved living in Lechner because the modular dorms are nicer, I enjoyed the honors housing community, and it was close to Sbisa, but my friends were all engineers and they all lived in Mosher. Sometimes I wished that I lived in Southside with them because they were always dropping me off at the opposite side of campus; it wasn’t a huge deal but it was inconvenient to live so far away from the rest of the engineers. Also the study lounges in Mosher seemed fun, complete with whiteboards.

My daughter lived in Hullabaloo (on the northside) this last year and found many, many freshman engineering students in her dorm. These students studied together, sometimes, and she got accepted into both her engineering choices. She liked being close to the engineering buildings and Sbisa and, of course, the library. My older engineering student lived in McFadden/Lechner (honors dorms on the north side) and she liked that very much! Also, a lot of engineering students and study groups. All good choices.