Best dorm for freshman

Just looking at housing options. Does anybody have any recommendations for which is the best dorm for freshman students? Preferably a really social one and the one where most freshman room! Thanks

I don’t know what you have heard about the dorms but they are pretty average for college dorms as far as I know. They come with a desk and book shelf as well as a dresser. The closets are very large for a college dorm room. If you haven’t seen a picture of them yet I can send you some of my room. I lived on Stanford RT 7 and loved it there. Some things to consider about freshman housing: while living in a single has definite benefits (privacy, ability to control AC, ability to sleep whenever, no worry about music or tv), I would suggest rooming with someone freshman year. Having a roommate provides a quick automatic friend during orientation and the first couple days of school. You can use room surf or other such websites to find a roommate with whom you are compatible. Also, splitting a room means you that you don’t have to furnish the room by yourself. I brought a microwave and futon while my roommate brought a mini fridge and TV.

As far as the different res colleges are concerned, Hecht and Stanford are pretty identical and I’m told that students aren’t able to pick between the two anymore. Hecht has a newer lobby and elevators but the rooms are the same. Stanford has music practice rooms. Either way, the rooms are the same size with the same furniture. There is one communal bathroom on each floor and the floors are not co-ed. There are also substance free floors in both residential colleges. Alcohol and drugs are not allowed on any floor of the freshman dorms but students who live on a substance free floor pledge to not use any illicit substances. They are for students who want a quieter atmosphere.

Hecht and Stanford are two different sides of the freshman dorms… each has 2 towers separated by a small water way. Miami has “freshman” dorms that is only for freshman. Almost all freshman stay here unless they fill up and you have to go elsewhere.