
<p>What is the best house for freshmen?
I was looking at the housing situation and I wanted to find a dorm that had a lot of interaction and activity. I would love a jock dorm!!! lol</p>

<p>I'm not necessarily looking to party hard, but I don't like quiet spaces cause that is just boring and I want a memorable college experience. </p>

<p>So which dorm is the best and most diverse =)</p>

<p>Hecht and Stanford (the two freshman residential colleges) are nearly identical, they’re equally fun, well-run, and diverse. Hecht has traditionally been known as the more outgoing “wild” and “fun” dorm, and as a current Hecht resident am willing to say that that’s pretty accurate. Choose Hecht if you can, but Stanford isn’t bad at all, there’s nothing wrong with it or significantly different. Obviously every atmosphere is going to have its own unique traits.</p>

<p>In terms of dorm personality, they are both open books at the beginning of the semester. People make them different personality-wise with each new year. However, like SeekingUni said, Hecht is usually known as the more “wild” dorm. Stanford has instrument practice rooms and a game room, while Hecht has a nice lobby and elevators that actually work. I’d personally choose Hecht over Stanford any day, but I’m a little biased :P</p>

<p>stanford, due to its music rooms, seems to be the assigned dorm for the music school kids. I like the more interesting, artistic vibe from stanford as a result (but that’s not to say that kids don’t go hard regardless of dorm). Plus, don’t underestimate our game room, even if the elevators are tower-of-terror-sketch</p>

<p>It seems like I’m leaning toward Hecht…I can care less about music rolls. Are the dorms nice or just eww …because there are no pictures =(</p>

<p>Sent from my LG-VM696 using CC</p>



<p>Hecht was the most recently renovated so therefore is much nicer in appearance (and functionality, particularly in terms of the elevators) than Stanford.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me how housing selection works? Do freshman indicate if they prefer Hecht or Stanford. Do they select housing right when they pay their enrollment deposit or is there a specific date forchoosing housing and roommates? Thanks</p>



<p>Students do get to indicate a preference of Hecht or Stanford. If I recall correctly, you’re able to indicate housing prefs and select your roommate after paying your enrollment deposit.</p>

<p>When you walk into your room, to be perfectly honest it kinda looks like a jail cell. But that’s when you first walked in. Once you get all of your decorations and furniture and stuff up and running, it turns into a pretty nifty space. I know that I perfected the look of my room this semester. I’ll take some pictures of mine and post them on here at some point.</p>

<p>Marinebio 444 that would be great please do</p>

<p>Sent from my LG-VM696 using CC</p>