Single Dorms

<p>Is it possible for a Freshmen to get a single dorm at UM? Also what is the difference between the Hecht and Stanford Dorms?</p>

<p>-Yes, you can get a single. There are 2 on each floor. However, there’s an extra fee per semester. It’s smaller than the regular rooms (it’s on the corner) and has 2 windows. One of my friends lives in a single and she’s okay with it, she just wishes it were a bit bigger. But honestly, living with a roommate is better than I thought it would be.</p>

<p>-Hecht and Stanford are virtually the same, except Stanford is closer to the dining hall (there’s a covered walkway to it which is great in the rain, and the Hecht people get all wet when they walk back). Stanford also has music practice rooms. Hecht is traditionally known as the “party” dorm (we make a lot of Hecht jokes), whereas Stanford is more of the music/studious type. But honestly, there are both types in each.</p>

<p>There are 2 on each floors, but trust me, living with your roommate will be much enjoyable and memorable.</p>

<p>i’m a freshman at UM, and i live in a single in hecht
i absolutely LOVE having a single and i’m soooo glad i chose to get one
they actually have two different sizes of singles (i’m in the larger one) and it is a great size! i feel like i have enough space (it’s actually not too much smaller than my bedroom at home!)
the smaller one has 2 windows, and the larger one has 3 windows
i have a view of the lake, stanford, and the wellness center :slight_smile:
i am at the corner of the floor, but it’s a great location because it doesn’t get super loud (the floors are set up as rectangles with a bathroom in the middle)
there are SO many benefits to having a single, it really gives you the chance to live according to your own schedule and have privacy when you want it
at first i was worried it’d feel lonely, but it really doesn’t because in college you are almost always with other people anyway; i can’t even tell you how nice it is to have my own personal space
another plus is that i don’t have to walk all the way to the library if i want a quite place to study…i almost always study in my room (that said, i’m not the type of person who gets easily distracted studying in my room)
it’s nice being able to wake up and go to bed at my own times without coordinating with a roommate
if you come to UM, i’d highly recommend requesting a single!</p>

<p>yes - there are single dorms at Hecht and Sanford. But they are small. We used to tease my daughter that she was living in a “mouse hole”. The great thing about a single in Hecht or Sanford is that all the kids keep their doors open; so you will be able to meet and hang out will everyone on your floor. Also, the RAs do a great job making sure everyone meets one another during freshmen orientation. The only downside, is that once you have a single, you probably won’t want to room with anyone which means you need to get “lucky” again in your sophomore year to grab a single. And the downside with having a single in your sophomore year is that in the other dorms, people do not leave their doors open as much so it is much harder to meet people on your floor. Good Luck.</p>