Best Dorms?? At UMICH

<p>I believe the research living community is located in Mosher-Jordan.</p>

<p>Thanks CCRunner.</p>

<p>jazzymom is correct, MJ is the dorm for those in the MRC.</p>

<p>Yea great news - big congrats</p>

<p>Thanks for the info on the MRC dorm. That could be a good option!</p>

<p>Personally, I have LOVED my experience at Markley. The dimensions of the rooms may appear to be small, but anywhere you live it really matters how you arrange your room and make the most of your space. Also, Markley has something called “The Hideway” in its basement where you can get fresh food and it’s amazing. </p>

<p>Either way though no matter where you end up living just make the most of it and enjoy it! Good luck to you!</p>

<p>I believe that North Quad will be an non-freshman dorm. So that probably won’t be a likely destination for incoming freshman.</p>

<p>^^^I did not know that.</p>

<p>I lived in Bursley in 1971-72 - I know, eons ago. I thought it was terrible because of the bus rides.</p>

<p>One major difference between Bursley and the Hill dorms - when you are heading back to your room, perhaps late at night, the North Campus residents have to stop and wait for the bus while the Hill residents just keep walking across the bridge. I don’t know about you, but I would much rather be home in 15 minutes than waiting in the cold at the bus stop for 15 minutes.</p>

<p>My son lives on the hill and says the exact same thing – even though ALL his classes are on north, he chose to live on the hill again for that precise reason.</p>

<p>why is nobody mentioning stockwell? That place has been recently renovated and it looks like a castle from the outside.</p>



<p>And that’s if you even are there on time to get the last bus.</p>

<p>On our housing application, do most freshmens usually select “Double”? as the standard room shared with another student?</p>

<p>Re: why no one has mentioned Stockwell:</p>

<p>It is now a sophomore year living experience. Son is living there next year.</p>