Best Dorms?? At UMICH

<p>I know there are many possibilities when it comes to dorming.. which are the best dorms to stay in. Like some may be closer to certain buildings or closer to the town...any advice would be greay</p>

<p>West and South are good bets if you want to be closest to classes. Hill (Markley, Lloyd, Couzens) is a better social scene. Bursley and Baits = North = bumblef***</p>

<p>Do a search…</p>

<p>bursley sucks. i think mojo is the best.</p>

<p>Bursley does not suck. Bates is the worst dorm in my opinion. I hear the new North Quad is going to be quite nice. South and West quad are definitely good. Markley is also nice.</p>

<p>i am pretty positive markley has the smallest rooms on campus, and it’s pretty crappy, but it’s a good social experience living with a bunch of social freshman.</p>

<p>As Alexandre said, Bursley does not suck. At all. Baits sucks :slight_smile: </p>

<p>If you’re a freshman, you only get three choices on your housing application: Central/Hill, Bursley, and Baits. You cannot choose a specific dorm on Central/Hill. If you look around on the forum, you’ll find enough information on all the dorms.</p>

<p>I’ll jump on the bandwagon here too. Bursley does not suck!!! It doesn’t have the party scene, but people are friendly and can be quite social, though I’m beginning to notice that Housing’s marketing Bursley as a engineering/art student dorm, which makes sense. </p>

<p>Baits is by far the worst dorm on Michigan campus. You can search on the forum for my previous posts on how terrible it is (I would swear, but CC censors), because I need to work on homework. :mad:</p>

<p>i apologize for that lol i meant to say that the food at bursley sucks.</p>

<p>The distance is what sucks about Bursley. Even if all your classes are on North, DO NOT OPT FOR A NORTH CAMPUS DORM. You will regret it. It’s better to take the bus to class everyday then have to run to catch the bus back at night on the weekends. Also, there’s nothing up there. It’s better to be close to other stuff (restaurants etc.) on central.</p>

<p>giants, living on the Hill is no better than living in Bursley. Yes, it may be closer to downtown, but it is still a good 10-15 minute walk. The free Michigan buses pick students up every 10-15 minutes and takes them to Central Campus. In terms of location, nothing beats the “Quads” and the women’s dorms.</p>

<p>I assume the brand new North Quad, opening this fall I believe, will rapidly become the most popular dorm on campus.</p>

<p>Is there any special housing at University of Michigan that is assigned specifically to certain dorms? For example, at my sister’s college she requested to be in a dorm that didn’t allow guys to stay overnight and that put her into a specific dorm that offered that. Just wondered if Michigan had anything like that for special requests. And do you know what dorm the Michigan Research Community lives in? I may be interested in that.</p>



<p>I have friends who lived on North their freshman year that would beg to differ. If you live on North, you have to run to catch the last bus back (~2 am?) at CC Little after a night out if you don’t want to be stranded on central (or have to crash somewhere). That means you have to end your night anytime between 1:30-1:45 am (depending on where you are) if you want to make the last bus back from CC Little. If you live on the Hill, you can feasibly walk back to your dorm at any time, meaning you can choose to end your night at a more reasonable hour (anytime you want). Some high schoolers might not realize that 1:30ish am is a fairly early time to be ending your night: if you live on North, many a weekend night you will find yourself intoxicatedly sprinting to CC Little long before you want to end your night out.</p>

<p>Moral of the story: Don’t opt to live on North no matter what.</p>



<p>Possibly, if it’s nice enough. West and SQuad still have a better location IMO.</p>

<p>Giants, if you are partying until after 1:45 AM and are still returning to your dorm alone, then you are doing something wrong. One must have a number of central campus dorm rooms where to crash…if you know what I mean! LOL! </p>

<p>Seriously though, I agree that Bursley is not perfect, and for students who frequently intend on partying past 1:30 AM, it is, as you correctly point out, less than ideal. But I still think it is a good dorm.</p>

<p>In terms of location, East, South and West Quad are obviously best.</p>

<p>CRL123, there some female only dorms. Rules like you said exist there. I heard guys have to be accompanied by a girl when they enter the dorms(martha cook comes to mind)</p>

<p>Michigan currently has three women’s dorms:</p>

<p>Betsey Barbour
Helen Newberry
Martha Cook</p>

<p>All three are small (they each house 120-140 women), nice and very ideally located. Each of them have rules about men entering the building.</p>

<p><a href=“Michigan Housing”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>Hahaha ohh man I think I get it! Silly Alexandre… surely you cannot expect everyone to be able to reach your rarefied level of charm and grace with women!</p>



<p>And also seriously… I too don’t doubt that it’s not the end of the world - you still have a lot of other freshmen with which to be social at Bursley. But given the possible alternatives you can wind up with, due to the late partying constraint being an issue for a ton of freshmen, it’s next to worst. Coincidentally, I just came from one of our mixers - and what did I overhear freshmen *****ing about? Needing to leave within a half hour or whatever to catch the last bus back.</p>

<p>“Hahaha ohh man I think I get it! Silly Alexandre… surely you cannot expect everyone to be able to reach your rarefied level of charm and grace with women!”</p>

<p>If only! Not when I was in college…and certainly not now (I am happily married and expecting our first child in May).</p>

<p>Thanks for info. Does anyone know what dorm the research community is in?</p>

<p>congrats Alexandre!</p>