<p>so, I was just looking through 'the best looking schools' thread and saw they were having this good discussion on clothes.
What schools are best dressed in the traditional preppy sense.</p>
<p>I would say Deerfield, the girls wear two visible layers, and the guys are shirt and tie. Watch the admissions video!! The guys all have on kelly green and pink shorts, and the girls wear cable neck sweaters and J. Crew. It’s pretty preppy!</p>
<p>after that i think would be groton but they dress “modern preppy” if you get what i mean. there’s a lot of a&f but also j. crew ralph lauren etc. and there’s the jean rule XD but it’s not really a jean rule, people usually pass with black/white/etc color jeans that aren’t BLUE blue. (navy blue is fine.)</p>
<p>i love groton’s dress code :)</p>
<p>choate was really relaxed, seeing as it was a Saturday. The tour guide told me that they ere all so glad they could wear jeans and t-shirts that they ALL wore jeans and a Choate-esque tshirt. Haha.</p>
<p>Deerfield and Groton are pretty well dressed schools, well, at least better than A/E.
Does anyone know what St. George’s dress code is like?</p>
<p>From what I saw in my tours from A/E/D/S…Deerfield was best dressed from the few people I saw.</p>
<p>Deerfield then Hotchkiss then SPS then Andover then Exeter … out of HADES at least.</p>
<p>I think you are getting answers that are based on how strict the dress code… Andover is way more lax than Andover.</p>
<p>Best dressed has nothing to do with how lax a place is. On the weekends you wear what you want, Andover may be more lax. Doesn’t mean their eyes are open when their putting their clothes on in the morning lol.</p>
<p>lol andover is way more lax than andover? that’s the best typo ever, it sounds cool XD</p>
<p>I’ve really enjoyed the dress code at Tabor. It’s one of the last prep schools that still requires students to be in formal dress for classes. That means a sportcoat, dress shirt, die, khakis and dress shoes for the boys, and skirts with blouses or dresses or slacks with a blazer for girls. There’s something to me that just doesn’t feel “right” about going to a boarding school and being able to go to class in jeans and a hoodie, but maybe thats just me.</p>
<p>Yeah, I totally agree with you boarder. I would go to a school without a dress code but it’s a big plus if there is one.</p>
<p>of the schools i’m applying to (hotchkiss, exeter, sps, groton, and choate) my tour guide at hotchkiss was the best dressed. and all the kids there were wearing really nice clothes. my tour guide at exeter was wearing comfortable clothes, not dressed up at all. Groton was really super super super preppy!!! and choate was actually pretty relaxed, my tour guide (no offense) didn’t look like she went to choate, but more of the local public high school. my guide at sps was wearing almost exactly what i wear to school every day, but i don’t think she was in dress code. btw groton has formal dinner 2 or 3 times a week, and they have 2 be dressed up for that, but otherwise the kids looked comfortable. are you allowed to wear athletic jerseys in class at most of the schools?</p>
<p>i’m not going to spend hundreds of dollars at j crew or lacoste or whatever, not because i can’t afford them but it’s just not me.</p>
<p>Maybe it’s just New England? What do folks going to school outside New England think about the way kids dress?</p>
<p>My daughter’s Delaware school has a formal dress code, but the kids don’t strike me as “preppy.”</p>
<p>i suppose it depends on your definition of preppy. to me, preppy means LL bean first and foremost, and then brooks brothers, some ralph lauren, lacoste, nantucket reds from murrays, sperrys/sebagos, etc.</p>
<p>to me j. crew, abercrombie, etc. are NOT preppy, they are trendy, but that’s just me i guess.</p>
<p>(I’m distracting myself with frivolous details).
NOT another argument on what’s preppy or not!
Haha, I’d have to say that all the schools i saw were very casual, it being Saturday or too cold for me to see their actual clothes (long coats seemed to be favored, or fleece pullovers).
My Andover tour guide had THE cutest ever mittens, all knit with Nordic patterns in blue and white, and an Andover ski-skull cap in blue and white. And an Andover sweatshirt/fleece pullover (can’t quite remember).
Exeter was a fleece pullover and khakis, with plain sneakers. Not very well dressed.
I’ve already mentioned Choate, but they were comfy!</p>
<p>Being a parent from California I think I laughed out loud when I saw a kid at Deerfield in a dress shirt, tie, sports coat - and shorts and flip flops. It was absolutely hilarious. No one here would ever, ever, ever, wear anything remotely close to that. Ever. I also laughed when I was at Hotchkiss in late October, it was cold (for me), and the girls were running around in flip flops, their little red toes freezing to death. Too funny. I didn’t really notice the “preppy” thing or whatever you call it. They all looked like kids to me. Jeans, tops, sweatshirts, nothing much outstanding. But I’ve never even heard of some of the brands you mention so I certainly wouldn’t recognize them on a kid.</p>
<p>Pinkpineapple, I go by your definition of preppy.</p>