Best Essay Opening Lines from Stanford

<p>These lines are good, but obviously not superb since none of my first lines were included.....</p>

<p>Just kidding! Haha. Seriously though these lines are really interesting. They are so good that it's frustrating to read them without knowing where they lead.</p>

<p>I would like to see the other end of this spectrum. I bet some of those would put the Bulwer-Lytton contest winners to shame. Personally, I did not find many of the opening lines in that article very captivating, so I suppose it is best for all involved that I do not work in a college admissions department.</p>

<p>Remember these choices are relative to all the appl.</p>

<p>Pfft! My opening line is better!</p>

<p>These lines are average, and those that aren't are extraordinarily cheesy.</p>

<p>I think they all sound a little contrived.</p>

<p>"Cancer tried to defeat me, and it failed."</p>


<p>^^^lol the only thing that would be unpredictable after that line is if the story is about him/her fighting a giant crab.</p>

<p>lol that would be hilarious.</p>

<p>haha, that would be AMAZING!</p>

<p>The most impressive one was the one of the soldier and enemy lines.
I have the magazine myself.
A mentor gave it to me just yesterday. I read the lines and went..."Wow!"</p>

<p>I actually insulted another school's prompt too (UPenn).</p>

<p>I was rejected though.</p>


<p>The best opening essay line I've read is from a well-publicized essay in one of the college application advice books (so don't use it!):</p>

<p>"I am a thief" (or something like this). It was actually about playing softball and stealing bases, but this was not evident until several paragraphs later.</p>

<p>Oh wow, I know who came up with that "Genocide, Homicide, Suicide, Riverside" T-shirt design...</p>

<p>The one about I almost didn't make it through 9/11 was a definite acceptance I mean who could reject that.</p>

<p>Hmm, interesting article. Thanks for posting!</p>

<p>haha I live in riverside! and I have that shirt too!</p>

<p>I, unlike everyone else thought that those lines were all amazing. I couldn't write 1/10000th of that if my life depended on it.</p>

<p>the only one i didn't really like is the 9/11 one. It's like "I suffered enough. So now you must accept me"</p>

<p>The Charlie Brown sentence was really cute :)</p>

<p>PUGGY'S</a> HILL - OK, whose big sister (brother?) just got into Stanford?
Lol, there's a blog ranting about it.</p>