<p>Whats the best self study Euro prep book?</p>
<p>Modern European History and Princeton Review are great prep books for Euro IMO</p>
<p>REA: I highlighted as I skimmed-read just to trigger my memory. A lot of superfluous info though. The practice tests are harder than the exam.</p>
<p>Princeton Review: I only did parts of the practice tests, and they’re a bit easier than REA, but still a lot of stuff you don’t need to know.</p>
<p>REA Crash Course: Looked through it. It’s good if you’re cramming and for FRQs because it lists all the important points of everything.</p>
<p>CliffsNotes: My teacher said it was too easy, so I didn’t even bother.</p>
<p>Honestly, you should try getting released exams or the 2008 audit because those questions reflect the actual test (obviously) and I feel like they’re much more clear and more subjective than objective. Like on this year’s test, for most of the questions, either the answers were obvious or I could eliminate 3 or 4 of the choices.</p>
<p>Hope that helped :)</p>
<p>I used CliffsNotes and got a 5, but I took AP Euro in school.
I thought it was pretty good though.</p>