best fraternity?

<p>which is the best/most renowned on campus?</p>

<p>I heard SAE (sigma alpha epsilon) from my RA, but don't take his word for it.</p>

<p>He also said Kappa Alpha Pi sucks and no one goes to their parties.</p>

<p>Sigma Nu is a name I hear a lot.</p>

<p>I know a girl who has a friend in Sigma Nu. Someone got stabbed at a party there a couple weeks ago...the people involved in the fight weren't UCLA students though.</p>

<p>But Sigma Nu's house does look nice, compared to most of the other frats at least. And like a month ago as I was walking back from Westwood with friends one night and I saw a couple guys leaning out the windows yelling at an orientation group. They were all "HEY FRESHMEN, COME DRINK WITH US!!" Haha...</p>

<p>You'll find there's no single dominant frat at UCLA. The one's that have lesser recognition/lamer reputations are Delta Tau Delta, Theta Chi, Zeta Psi, Triangle, Alpha Tau Omega, and Beta Theta Pi. Sigma Nu and ZBT tend to party a little more than the other fraternities. SAE has the most guys, but they have a metrosexual reputation. Beta Theta Pi is rumored to be the "rape frat". Sigma Chi used to be dominant, but is constantly on probation. ZBT guys tend to be the heavy drinkers, and most don't like each other. If you're planning on rushing, don't worry about the reputations though. Worry most about finding upperclassman you respect and like. I can't stress this enough. </p>

<p>For balanced frats with a little bit of everything, check out Phi Psi, Sigma Pi, AEPi and Pike. These are just some suggestions, and may or may not suit you.</p>

<p>If you are on the facebook, you can check out the group for each Frat and check out the members and see if they "fit" you. ;)</p>

<p>I'll chime in with some comments to what people have said above, and although they are from my observations, they still may not be accurate. </p>

<p>Delta Tau Delta has lesser recognition because they are fairly new or they re-started just last year I believe. </p>

<p>I don't think Alpha Tau Omega has low recognition. </p>

<p>AEPi (alpha epsilon pi) is the jewish frat.</p>

<p>Phi Psi (phi kappa psi) and Pike (pi kappa epsilon?) seem to have the good reputations. </p>

<p>I've also heard ZBT (zeta beta tau) has big drinkers. </p>

<p>I've heard SAE (sigma alpha epsilon) is the rich frat, respected by girls, and not as respected by the other frats. </p>

<p>But that's just from what I've seen or heard... don't take my word for it haha. MyUCLA forums might be better? I dont know.</p>

<p>Warning, the myUCLA forums tend to be a bit... rude. Just an observation. ^^;;</p>

<p>in my opinion, the [best</a> fraternity](<a href=“]best”> is phi delt</p>

<p>jshifton said it best.</p>

<p>No Pikapp?</p>

<p>Band frat. Join band. :D</p>

<p>^ thats not even funny</p>

<p>It’s not supposed to be. It’s dead serious.</p>

<p>DTD, Zeta Psi, and Pi Kapp are most open to nontraditional frat guys, meaning ethnic minorities, gays, artsy guys, etc. That’s not to say there aren’t ethnic minorities or gay guys in the other frats (especially SAE) but those 3 will be most accepting.</p>

<p>Aepi mainly for Jewish students. The rest are pretty much nondescript, they’re places to party hang out with guys get involved in stuff have fun, nothing more nothing less.</p>

<p>At UCLA there are 5 (6 prior to Phi Psi getting kicked off the row) top fraternities, and 6 top sororities. </p>

<p>In no particular order:</p>


Sigma Nu
Sig Ep
Sig Chi</p>


Alpha Phi
Delta Gamma
Pi Phi
Chi O</p>

<p>ZBT and SAE</p>