<p>I was just looking at the rather large number of options for freshman housing at USD and was wondering if anybody knew if there was a general consensus as to which housing would be best for a freshman.</p>
<p>If you can get into the honors program, I would shoot for the San Antonio de Padua’s. Otherwise I believe there’s a residential learning community on the first floor that has the same deal. Something about leadership, but the main perks to these two programs are the housing. The SAPS are amazing, trust me I live there. It’s apartment style with 4 people to a dorm room, but you get a bed room, bathroom, living room, kitchen, two walk-in closets, and a balcony. It’s pretty good. Only draw back are that some of the kids are a bit socially awkward, but I got lucky.</p>
<p>Other than that, I would go for Missions A or Missions B for best living set-up.</p>
<p>Is there any partying at all gonig on in the dorms or no?</p>