Best Graduate Course options for an Advertising/Marketing major?

So I’m currently working towards my Communications-Advertising/Marketing major at a private school in Brazil (PUC-Minas) and I was wondering what are my best options for a graduate degree?
Advertising wasn’t really my first option but it’s the program that most fits my interests (film;writing;design). I love writing so I thought about doing an English Masters program. I also thought about doing a Film/Production Masters program because of my passion for cinema. Or something to do with foreign languages or design as learning languages and painting are my hobbies. Would any of these be useful sided along my Advertising major? Or would it be more logical/profitable to go into Marketing (MBA…-.-")?

I moved this to the graduate school forum, because this is essentially a graduate school question.

Basically, a graduate degree is a means to an end. Instead of trying to figure out a graduate degree based on your interests, what you should do is first decide what kind of career you would like to have, and then decide on what graduate degree you need to do that job. So you shouldn’t, for example, get a master’s in English just because you like writing - first because there are lots of careers that involve writing (some of which don’t require an MA in English, or any MA at all) and second because most English scholars don’t necessarily study writing (you can, but many study literature). Also, your passions alone shouldn’t guide what you get a graduate degree in; you can love cinema without wanting to work in it.

Basically, if you don’t know what you want to get a graduate degree in yet, that’s a good sign that you’re not ready to go to graduate school yet and that you should spend a few years working. As you work, you’ll develop a knowledge of what you like and what you don’t like, and what kinds of careers you want to do. Through observing others and learning more about jobs, you’ll also learn which careers require which kinds of degrees. Thus, you’ll develop an understanding of what graduate degree you’ll need - and you’ll have more experience, which is always valuable for employment.

Also, most MBA programs require or prefer people with experience anyway.