Best Journalism Schools On East Coast?


<p>I'm currently a sophomore, soon to be a junior in about five days. I want to major in print/online journalism within the sports field. However, I'm trying to expand my list of colleges.</p>

<p>This summer, I plan on visiting BU, BC, Northeastern, Emerson College, and Fordham Univeristy.</p>

<p>Also, within a year or so Syracuse University and Maryland is on my radar. I have heard good things about Columbia, but not entirely sure.</p>

<p>Overall, my search is in the East Coast, as I want to stay close to home.</p>

<p>So from about Mass all the way down to D.C or Virginia, are there any more top journalism schools I need to consider? Appreciate all the help.</p>

<p>I have heard good things about Columbia as well.</p>

<p>Yep, but overall just wasn’t sure how difficult it is aside from the school itself. Columbia seems like more of a place I would go to just to obtain a Masters in Journalism.</p>

<p>Many students interested in journalism do a liberal arts program first. You could also consider Brandeis, which is very near Boston. It has a small but nurturing journalism minor program, and Boston in general has a lot to offer sports fans.
Brandeis also has a very healthy student newspaper scene, including sports coverage:
[Journalism</a> Program | Brandeis University](<a href=“]Journalism”>Journalism Program | Brandeis University)
[The</a> Justice](<a href=“]The”>Homepage - The Justice Online)
and Brandeis alumni have been accepted at journalism schools such as Medill and Columbia.</p>

<p>MiselisM, I’m in the same position as you, only I’m a junior/soon-to-be-senior, so I have less time to get my act together.</p>

<p>You picked up on a lot of schools, but I would look into NYU as well. No, their journalism department isn’t as renowned as Columbia’s for example, but it still isn’t anything to sneeze at. They have a new project where journalism undergrads collaborate with the New York Times on a new hyperlocal site. Plus, you would be in New York, where there are so many media internships and job opportunities. Admissions are difficult, but I think it’s worth a shot.</p>

<p>I’m also looking into American University or George Washington. With the Acela, DC may feel closer to home than you may think.</p>