best library to study in?

<p>so i'm a freshman and i'm trying to find the best spots to study for a huge biology exam i have coming up. so far i've tried richter and the music library and i like the music one better just because it's much more empty. are there other libraries i should try?</p>

<p>I’d just use the stacks in Richter. Super quiet, though often not empty. If you go to the stacks elevator and hit M it will take you to a floor that almost no one ever goes to… the disadvantage is that it’s super creepy down there.</p>

<p>If you really want an empty library, there’s one in the physics building (go all the way to the top floor and to your left) that no one knows about.</p>

<p>Current students will look at this and get angry at me because I’m giving away all their secrets! :stuck_out_tongue: But I think most people know about these places, they just don’t use them often because they’re easy to forget about.</p>

<p>Glad to see that things haven’t changed in the last 30 years. The stacks at Richter were quiet back in the early 80’s. It is pretty creepy, however. I used to hear weird noises and have visions of myself trying to escape a madman. I have a vivid imagination.</p>

<p>My S liked to study in the Law Library.</p>

<p>It’s a bit of extra work, but the RSMAS library is also a really good place to study. You would have to take the shuttle over, but it’s a really nice, quiet area, and if you need a little bit of time to unwind there’s always the beach right there!</p>

<p>^ Interesting to know… I’ve actually never been there, I’ll have to check it out some time.</p>

<p>I haven’t been over there to study yet, just for my labs, but I know a couple friends who have, and they both said it was a really great study spot.</p>