Best Nursing Schools

<p>Hey guys, this is one of my first posts, and would really appreciate some advice from anyone who has any background/info about the schools. I'm focusing on schools in the Northeast, where I could get my BSN and be able to get certified. So here's my list!</p>

<p>Fairfield University
Quinnipiac University
University of Scranton
UMASS Amherst, Boston and Dartmouth
La Salle
Sacred Heart
Western Connecticut (safety)</p>

<p>Any help or info is appreciated!</p>

<p>Sent from my PC36100 using CC App</p>

<p>I’d recommend UCONN & Villanova. But if you are considering schools in PA, you might as well consider Penn and Pitt.</p>

<p>i would absolutely consider penn and pitt if youre looking at northeastern schools. especially if youre looking at nova, boston, dartmouth…</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! PennState was always an option for me, and thanks for recommending Pitt! I’ve never thought about going to Pittsburgh, but I’ll keep an open mind! And oh, I should of made it more specific @pathernation, I’m not looking at Dartmouth or Boston college, I’m looking at the University of Massachusetts campuses in those places/of the same name!</p>

<p>Sent from my PC36100 using CC App</p>

<p>ebriscoe: Penn is the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) not PennState (PSU).</p>

<p>BTW - Pitt is considered (although there are no undergrad rankings of Nursing Programs) to be one of the top ten nursing programs in the country. Many consider Penn to be #1 (the only Ivy with Nursing). Both very good programs.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Oh, sorry about the mixup! My b…and yeah, university of pennsylvania would be wonderful, but it’s a bit out of my range (academically, financially)</p>

<p>Sent from my PC36100 using CC App</p>

<p>ebriscoe: You certainly know better than I whether Penn is out of reach academically for you (as it is for most students), but you should avoid 2nd guessing costs until you have received a FA offer from them. It may not be as bad as you think particularly if you are considering schools like Villanova.</p>

<p>if you would like any information about PITT’s school of nursing, let me know. I am currently a student here!</p>

<p>Thanks so much everybody, I appreciate it! It gave me a ton to think about! And maybe I do need to give Penn another look, maybe I’m limiting myself. And cool, @panthernation! How do you like it? I hear its a wonderful program.</p>

<p>Sent from my PC36100 using CC App</p>

<p>I would like to recommend that you might also want to consider the University of Delaware located in Newark, Delaware (only about 20 minutes south of the PA/DE border right off I-95). Similar to the other schools mentioned on this thread it has an excellent Nursing Program. Delaware is a state assisted, privately governed university, although it is identified in the category of being a State University. It is unique among State Universities in that nearly two-thirds of the students are from OOS, which really gives it a feel of being more of a private university than a State University. However, the tuition for OOS students is substantially less than most private universities (I believe nearly $15,000 per year less than Villanova and Penn, for example). Again, similar to the other schools mentioned on this thread, it is highly competitive for admission to Nursing (only about 70-80 OOS students in each class). It does have one of the most beautiful college campuses in the country. Check it out on Delaware’s website ( Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>I forgot about UDEL. I think Panthernation was also considering UDEL and I have heard some good things about their nursing program.</p>

<p>One last piece of advice: If you are are a rising senior…apply NOW! These programs fill up very quickly. Seriously consider applying to as many colleges as possible before school starts and definitely try to have your applications finished by mid-October (or sooner if possible). Do not procrastinate!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Just a side note, for those of you recommending I look into Pitt, which campus considered best, nursing wise?</p>

<p>And thanks @aglages for the advice! I’m actually a rising junior, so I’ve got a bit of time ahead of me hahaha. So you recommend applying over the summer? I didn’t even know you could do that, are schools ok with that?</p>

<p>JUST KIDDING ABOUT THE PITT CAMPUS QUESTION! Silly mistake by me guys… Seem to be doing that quite a lot today</p>

<p>ebriscoe: Different schools open their admissions applications at different times. I think most college applications will be available over the Summer.</p>

<p>Also if you decide to apply to Penn (after your terrific junior year) you might want to consider applying ED. Be sure to look into the differences between ED, EA, RD and rolling admissions…all information you’ll want before starting your applications. But you do have almost a year to educate yourself on all those things…</p>

<p>Villanova and U. Penn have the same list price, but U. Penn has much better financial aid. Also, Villanova has a housing shortage, causing large number of triple rooms for freshmen. It is as hard to get into Penn’s nursing program as it is to get into the university for other programs (which is absurdly difficult). </p>

<p>For many universities (such as Pitt, Penn State and U. Delaware), it is much harder to get admitted into the BSN program than to get into the regular university programs. Make sure you apply to many schools, including a few safeties.</p>

<p>LaSalle is an interesting school in Northwestern Phila. It is not the best nor the worst neighborhood. Their nursing program is in a renovated hospital that closed a few years ago.</p>

<p>U. of Scranton has been involved in a major building boom. It is within walking distance of 3 hospitals.</p>

<p>The College of New Jersey would be another choice I’d add to your list. It is a public college outside of Trenton that is selective in admissions, has a nice campus and has a strong nursing program.</p>

<p>@aglages you are correct, I was also considering UDEL. I was accepted to both PITT and UDEL’s programs, but when it came down to it, I thought I had better opportunities in Pittsburgh, and the fact PITT was instate for me, making education cheaper. When I went to visit UDEL, all they seemed to want to talk to me about was joining ROTC over and over and over again…wasn’t my cup of tea.</p>

<p>@ebriscoe I absolutely love PITT’s nursing program. I feel like I should get paid after how much advertising I do for this school haha. It is a very challenging program, and everyday I still wonder how I am at this school. If you have more specific questions about the program but I could literally talk for hours about the program.</p>

Panthernation: You are preaching to the choir. My daughter is a sophomore at Pitt Nursing and like you turned down some very attractive offers to go there. My wife has both her BSN and MSN from Pitt as does her sister. Pitt has a VERY good nursing program.</p>

<p>I’m hijacking this thread temporarily to thank Aglages.<br>
AllenMD, i often send out my thanks to you and to so many others who make this corner of CC so lively; but i neglect to point out how much all of us love Mr PittNursing.</p>

<p>Aglages, i have been a member of this forum for about a year now. i must say that each time i browse the Nursing topics, i hope to find your responses included. Thank you for making this past year so enjoyable, for sharing your commitment to the Nursing profession, UPitt and other schools in your area, and for sparing not the rod in your exposure of accountability upon so many here. I’ll never forget the first Aglages blast I received. after posting what i later saw to be a ubiquitous blurt ('my D is so intelligent, so driven…wants to be a nurse, though other say she must be something bigger…what do i do…?" insert self-aggrandizing whine) you set my perspective straight, essentially saying, “i remember when i thought i was the only one with a bright daughter…” (to paraphrase Steve Martin). I don’t think i ever told you that i appreciated that.<br>
since you don’t receive private messages Aglages, i thought i would blast you with some love from all of us who will never forget to apply NOW! :-)</p>

<p>Sincerely your friend CecilTurtle</p>

Thank you Cecilturtle! I am flattered. In fairness I’m only sharing information that many others have been kind (and patient) enough to share with me. As for not “sparing the rod”, I probably owe some apologizes to a few (a lot?) forum members for some of my less sensitive remarks/posts. Thank you again!</p>