Best Penn Dorm for an Ambivert!

Hey y’all! I’m 99% going to Penn next year (assuming fin aid works out) and I’m trying to decide where to live! I’m someone who’s moderately extroverted, although I do need space sometimes. I want communal bathrooms (aka not ones I have to clean). I’m not that big into parties, although it would be nice to go to some occasionally. I was thinking about single in a very social dorm or a double in anything else.

Right now, here’s what I’m thinking:
1st choice: Fisher Hassenfeld single (I’ve heard this is the quietest of the quad? This would be specifically for the Politics, Policy, & Social Change Program)
2nd choice: King’s Court English double (for the Perspectives in Humanities program)
3rd choice: Hill Single
4th choice: Hill Double

My concerns are mainly with the quad’s bathrooms. Are they really that gross? I can do noise, but how gross is gross? (I’m fine with dingy, just not bodily fluids that aren’t regularly cleaned.)

Also, I haven’t heard much about the residential programs so if anyone knows about the ones I mentioned that would be great!

I’d appreciate any feedback/ info you can share!

I’m going through exactly the same thing! Someone please answer @mooseyellow

Just for the record, I did get a chance to visit and the quad bathrooms were fine (esp compared to the bathrooms at my other top choice school).

There is no such thing as an ambivert. It doesn’t really exist. Introversion/Extroversion is about where you draw your energy from. Do you feel tired and drained by the time you leave a party or do you feel energized? Thats what it boils down to.