Best Safety Business School

It’s likely too early to define a career. Not all b students end up in business. Many kids end up in nothing related to their field. And business has so many outcomes including law school but that would be a ways off. And btw many law graduates don’t practice law.

It can be debated but I think kids should study what they’d enjoy but try to pin their internships, etc toward their desire.

My son is a MECHE major. Did it ‘because he wants to make money’. Will graduate. Hopefully will be employed. Yet he should be an atmospheric sciences major. That’s his passion. And I’m hopeful he finds a role one day in that area.

I’m what I think people would deem successful in business. I have 3 fluff majors. Undergrad in history and journalism. Grad in marketing. I made more $$ b4 mba. Just a few years back did I pass early 90s $. I was in sales. But was burned out and took a step back via education.

My former sales vp was an aerospace engineer. We have African American studies. Math. Geology. Communications And more in our dept. that’s similar to the bulk of my career.

I think…again find the right schools and programs. If she’s a hustler life will take care of itself whether she goes to Harvard or Hofstra. If she’s not a go getter, she won’t ‘make it’ no matter where she goes.

If self sufficiency is the goal and she’s got the ‘it’ factor she’s gonna rock regardless. Personally I think it’s a bit early to predefine when making money is the reason. That’s a recipe to be on the 90% that don’t like their careers. Imho

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If this is intended as it appears, note that Hamilton grads earn the most from those of the 10 NESCAC LACs in their early careers (followed by those from Williams and Amherst) based on information in U.S. News. Hamilton’s creative writing program may be the best from these colleges as well.

No need to apply to more safeties…but some kids really like to have choices to make. If she on’y has one safety acceptance…that’s it. No choice to be made.

Now having said that…IU Kelley is a fabulous safety school!

There are many LACs that are top notch: Williams, Amherst, Wellesley, Swarthmore, Bowdoin, etc etc…

I just cant imagine how much time and effort it takes to apply to all these schools or even know enough about them to make an educated decision.

A side note: How do so many CC members know so much about all these schools- the majors they offer, strengths, weaknesses, reputation, location, application nuances, student body, greek life, housing, target recruiting, career placement, financial aid.

People must have 8 kids in college to gain this experience and insight.

It’s hard enough just trying to schedule student driving lessons.

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We’ll probably apply to the local state school as an additional backup. According to Naviance, It’s highly likely she’ll get in.

Based on some of the feedback here, we may even take a look at SMU as potential match/safety although Im not sure it would be a good cultural fit for her.

On a side note, apparently the University of Iowa has a collection of books from the 1400’s (written in medieval English), a Walt Whitman first edition, and a lock of Keats’ hair in a plastic bag. My daughter was very impressed by all three.


For brief opinions on several selective liberal arts colleges, see post #7: Struggling with D21’s List. ED & ED2: Amherst, Hamilton, Wellesley, Vassar .

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As you probably know, Iowa also provides for an auto-admit (by formula) based on test scores, GPA, etc. The bar is a little higher for OOS if I recall correctly, but another good option as a safety if your daughter meets the bar and otherwise likes it, would go there.

I think this is a pretty good strategy, have IU as a safety and Ross, LACs as reaches and see what happens. From my experience working with IU grads (admittedly MBAs) in the bay area, I would agree that IU is the best safety b-school.


My son is an entering college freshman this fall and we went through this same process last year. He wanted to attend a top 10 business school. He had a 1490 SAT, a 3.98 unweighted GPA, had between 13 and 15 AP/honors classes with extremely strong ECs, we are from the west coast. He was accepted to Villanova Business School, Georgia Tech Scheller, Lehigh Business, SMU- Cox BBA Scholar program and Hunt finalist, plus other lower ranked programs. He was waitlisted at Notre Dame Mendoza and Wake Forest, and was denied Early Decision at Penn. He chose to attend Georgia Tech- Scheller. Ultimately it came down to fit for him and seeing as he plans on having a strong tech emphasis he found GT to offer everything he was looking for.


Wake Forest’s acceptance rate went down considerably this past cycle. They admitted a lot of student’s Early Decision, whether it be ED1 or ED2. my son was very surprised that he was waitlisted as everyone told him it would be a target school.

Also they are not direct admit to their business school.


Your son made a wise choice. With that many AP’s he should easily graduate in 3 years if he chooses. Add a Co-op or some internships and he should have good results.

BTW. The saying “you don’t go to GT for the accomodations” is true. However, the opportunities are outstanding. Most kids live off-campus after 1st year. Good luck.

Let’s get back to the OP’s question please.

For him it was the right choice. He has adjusted amazingly to being away from home, and yes the accommodations and food could be much better, but he has made some wonderful friends and they are already looking for a place for next year.

He already has several leads on an internship for the summer with SAP or Microsoft, which I hear is not all that common for first years at many business schools.

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A safety should be assured, not just extremely likely, for both admission and affordability. Lots of students misjudge what is “extremely likely” for admission and find out when they get rejected.

Some students’ top choice school is a safety, so they only apply there. Technically, it is also the last choice (out of one).

Hmmm yeah both my kids go to safeties - by their choice. Both got into reaches.

Lots of ‘favorite’ schools are safeties for so many kids.

My kid ended up at her safest safety completely by choice. 2 months in she couldn’t be happier with her decision.


S23 also loves his safety. He has plenty of targets and reaches on his list, but I can see him picking his safety over many of them in the end!

Agreed that many love/choose a safety school.

Now let’s get back to the OP’s specific topic of safety business schools.

(Anyone can feel free to start a new thread abouts students loving their safety schools.)

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Long chain - so many likely have been given - but for the students seeking “elite”, Indiana always seems to be listed as most attainable.

Of course there are hundreds of solid b schools - and many are top rated in one area but maybe not others.


If she wants to do consulting WashU has great placement for MBB. The career center and clubs are strong and will prepare her. Not as strong in IB.

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