Best UC for business career

What UC is best for undergrad if i intend a career in business/econ- UCLA, UC Davis, UCSD, UCI?

Out of all the UC’s listed only UCI has an Undergrad Business school. All of the schools will have good programs. Compare the curriculum of each program to see which school will meet your career goals. Also consider finances and social scene since you will be attending for 4 years.

ALL of the UCs (and CSUs for that matter) produce econ/biz graduates competent to begin their career at an SP500 company.

it really depends on your interests and qualification/situation.

Many employers in CA hire graaduates of UCLA’s bus. econ. or UCD’s managerial econ. Either one is good.

Do you know if its possible to get the techy, norcal jobs if I go to UCLA?
Also, I feel like UCLA is more “prestigious” than Davis, but I like the minors at Davis more. Do you think that worth turning UCLA over?

Companies recruit from all over so it really does not make a difference where you attend school. With the exception of only a few careers, “prestige’ will only get you so far. What is important to the employers is your job skill set that you have developed by getting on-hands experience through internships.

@collegecueen . . . in what minors are you interested?

Companies located in No. CA and Silicon Valley hire many UCLA graduates. For Silicon valley, see link (UCLA #12; UCD #24:

like cs or tech management

thanks that was reassuring! that article talks mostly abt cs and engineering, do you think it also applies to business/econ majors?

Yes, in my opinion this applies to business and bus/management econ majors as well as cs or engineering. I work in a major Fortune 500 company and we hire many UCLA and UCD grads. UCLA grads seem to have a slight edge in numbers and in regard in terms of prestige. Don’t misinterpret this, but if I were chosing between UCLA and UCD, I would pick UCLA for the slightly higher potential in opportunities. UCD is very good school, but I would pick UCLA for that potential.

@UCBUSCalum . . . the article you linked undoubtedly has some business-related, say, marketing types, who work in Silicon. ASU, for instance, isn’t noted for producing CS and E types, but its business school is top tier.