Best UC for Political Science/Legal Studies?

Just wondering what some of the opinions are out there! :smiley:

obviously, UCB and UCLA are at the top - but, they are so selective, that they aren’t reasonable targets for most students. Davis is somewhat more accessible and the proximity to the state capitol make for unique internship possibilities.It still requires a really strong GPA and SAT/ACT to be a competitive applicant. (the mid point stats for admitted freshmen are around 4.15 and 1320)

What’s your status, what are your stats and what are your other interests?

My stats and interests are in this link^ Thanks for the response by the way.

you look like a competitive applicant for all of them. As an OOS applicant, it is really hard to say which campuses will accept you. You should know that there will be no financial aid and OOS UC tuition/room/board is pretty crazy.

See where you get in, see what’s affordable and what you like, then make your call,

good luck.

Thank you for the advice!