Best Undergrad Economics

<p>Going along with US News's A+ Schools for B students, what are some A+ undergraduate programs for B students? Of course you have the ivies and Chicago at the top of a normal list, but what are the top economic programs for the rest of us?</p>

<p>The Big 10 Conference has several schools with solid econ programs that aren’t incredibly hard to get into…Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio St., Penn St., Michigan St., Iowa, Indiana, Purdue.</p>

<p>ucla, ucsd, northwestern</p>

<p>i would only do economics if you are at an Ivy/Stanford/MIT or relatively similar caliber schools (Duke, Northwestern, Chicago, Rice, etc.) that DOESNT have undergrad business (I know MIT does, but its econ is very excellent). Schools with business and econ will end up having the business kids get recruited more because of its pre-professional style. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but this is just my perception.</p>

<p>I agree with previous poster, most state schools have stronger business programs than economics programs. Schools close to my area (Rutgers, Penn State) come to mind.</p>

<p>UCSD has a great economics for the not-so-stellar student. </p>

<p>kmzizzle, Northwestern is definitely no school for a ‘B’ student.</p>

<p>^yeah, but UCSD is very hard to get into from OOS, so it seems unlikely that a B student would have a shooters chance at being accepted. Even for IS, I still wouldn’t consider UCSD a school for B students. I bet over 90% of UCSD’s incoming freshman class finished in the top 10%.</p>

<p>Not to mention it’s pretty easy to get As in most California HS. ;)</p>

<p>^^ Sure…if you go to a school in the ghetto…</p>

<p>@ westsidewolf and Lurker</p>

<p>I might end up at UMCP, is it better to major in Business or Econ (Since UMD offers Business but it’s not exactly top notch, dunno about their Econ dept though)</p>

<p>Bump? (10)</p>


<p>Not-so-stellar? Only on this site…</p>

<p>Sam Lee,</p>

<p>I can assure you that A’s weren’t easy at my HS, nor at my fiancee’s. What have I told you about sweeping generalizations? ;)</p>

<p>Are you talking about College Park at University of Maryland? If so, their economics department is amazing! Like I would sell my kidney to get into that school for graduate studies.</p>

<p>@eastcoaster03, Ya, I’m talking about College Park. Looked at the rankings, ranks pretty high for a State School. But I’m talking about the Undergrad program though…would an Econ major be at a disadvantage over a Business major at UMCP?</p>

<p>How is Emory’s Economics Program? Thanks.</p>

<p>how is upenn (wharton)'s economics program? also, how is nyu’s economics program?</p>

<p>how is upenn’s economics program? Is that a serious question? It’s called google dude.</p>

<p>wharton doesn’t have econ!</p>

<p>Sorry for the delayed response but I was busy over the holidays prepping my applications for graduate schools.</p>

<p>UMCP has a great program both in undergraduate and graduate. But it depends, most of their undergraduate lectures will be taught by the TAs so if you want a more treated study in economics I would choose a different school. The Business Major depends, do you wish to do further studies in Economics or do you want to just get a job once you finish your bachelor’s? That is the question to ask.</p>

<p>I agree with the poster that mentioned taking business over econ. Unless you are at a top 25 university that has name recognition in the business world then I wouldn’t risk an econ degree, just get business-finance or business-accounting.</p>

<p>Unless of course, you want a government job.</p>