Best Vt freshmen dorms for a male?

<p>Hi, im about to send in all that stuff and I'm going to do a random roomate, I'm a male and I have no idea which dorm to choose. Please help :)</p>

<p>Do any regular freshmen dorms have ac wifi and are pretty clean at vt</p>

<p>It probably won’t matter what you put, and you won’t have ac or wifi. They’re all pretty clean though.</p>

<p>you cant actually pick a dorm that you want to be in, you just put your preferences and they try to match you with whatever is best with what you put</p>

<p>Yeah you can’t pick a dorm. But none of the standard ones have AC or wifi. If you want AC your gonna have to do the leadership program in PY. I would vote those as the best dorms on campus. If you want wifi your gonna have to setup your own or get lucky and live right by a study. If your close to a study you might be able to get VT’s wireless but if your like me on the other end of the hall your SOL on that one. </p>

<p>Otherwise, just pray to god you don’t get an all male dorm. Slusher sucks pretty bad too but its better than an all male dorm I suppose. It’s super hot, noticeably hotter than any other dorm, and everything is really cramped and small compared to dorms such as Pritchard or Lee. </p>

<p>But in all honesty, you can’t do anything about it. Just hope.</p>

<p>All make isn’t necessarily bad. I lived in barringer freshman year and it was pretty great.</p>