Johnson Dorm

<p>GReetings, all, </p>

<p>I was wondering about Johnson. I was dreading that my daughter might get assigned to AJ. Looks like its Johnson. She was hoping for co-ed, but I'm pretty pleased with this smaller all female dorm. What say ye? I assume it is not air conditioned?</p>

<p>If it's the one I'm thinking of it's not bad. Not particularly good but not bad. It's in a quad with Barringer and a couple other dorms and they are a little bit out of the way. Close to Owens and Hokie Grill but D2 and West End are a bit of a walk. Luckily the weather is usually nice. Not really close to classes either, but campus isn't that spread out in general so she should be alright. I think the furthest class would be a 15 minute comfortable walk. Some people hate the location because it's out of the way, some people love it for the same reason.</p>

<p>I had a couple friends that lived there and I spent a decent amount of time there, and it's pretty much what you'd think of if you thought of the average dorm. No AC, no suites, but the laundry machines aren't usually too crowded since it's small (I'm basing that off of living in a similarly sized dorm) and there aren't a lot of loud people or pulled fire alarms.</p>

<p>Much better than Slusher or AJ, not quite as good as a couple others because of location but she'll be just fine there. Watch out for the barringer guys though. ;)</p>

<p>chuy..son has been assigned to that any good?..or better still..are there any dorm at VT really good with ac, a bath to 4 people,kitchen etc etc you know..modern..</p>

<p>Everything I said about Johnson goes for Vawter as well. They're the same type of dorm and in about the same area.</p>

<p>Yeah, there are nice dorms and more are being built as we speak, but generally freshman don't get them. None currently have a kitchen for each room/suite, but the new ones (hopefully done for 2009) may. They're supposed to be better than anything we've got now. Now we have a few suite style dorms, which have AC, a living room for each 3 2 person rooms and a bathroom for each suite (the 3 2 person rooms.)</p>