Best weekend to visit?

<p>Hi all. I have a young friend who is a NMF senior this year, and I have been encouraging him to seriously consider UA (I sure hope the generous NMF offer is still around next year if my DD makes NMF!) My friend is from Northern Virginia, and will likely be able to make only one visit to campus. If that is the case, which weekend would be best – Capstone Scholars? Thanks for the input!</p>

<p>In 2007-2008 my son was a NMF. I made certain he did not miss any of the application and scholarship deadlines even though Bama was last on his list of 11 schools. He finally agreed to visit Tuscaloosa during spring break of his senior year. Our visit was the thirs week of March. He was so impressed with his visit. We made sure we had a scheduled appointment with the Dean of the Honors College and someone in the Math Department. We participated in the official tour as well. I was thrilled to see Bama move up from 11th place to No. 1 in a matter of two weeks! My son never attended any of the special weekends and still got a great feeling of being “wanted” by everyone at the campus. </p>

<p>Here we are two and a half years later. My son still LOVES Bama, even more than before. The opportunities to excell have been numerous! He was invited to be part of the CBHP just weeks before the start of his freshman year. He presented his research project at a campus wide competition. He just returned from a three city recruitment trip with President Witt and Dean Hardin. My point is, your friend should not be discouraged if they are not able to attend any of the Highlight Weekends specifically for incoming students. No matter when they visit, Bama will roll out the Red Carpet and make them feel welcome. </p>

<p>(My youngest son visited campus April (2010) of his Junior year. He too will attend Bama this fall.)<br>
Roll tide!)</p>

<p>I want S, a junior, to visit during his spring break, but I see that it coincides with Bama’s spring break. Now, I am thinking it would be better to put it off until fall break of his senior year so he can meet Honors College staff and sit in on a class. Am I correct in assuming that not only classes, but most everything else is shut down for spring break?</p>

<p>Capstone was great but I would add that he might want to go in a day early so he can get some more focused time with the Honors College staff, and any departments that he would be very interested in. If I recall correctly, there isn’t a “full” tour offered at CSD, although that could be worked out. Going in the day early would allow him to really see the campus when it’s in full swing as opposed to just on the weekend.</p>



<p>Yes. The students even have to vacate their dorms during Spring break. Visit when school is in full swing. You’ll have a much better experience.</p>

<p>*If that is the case, which weekend would be best – Capstone Scholars? Thanks for the input! *</p>

<p>CSDay doesn’t typically give a full campus tour, so I would schedule a campus tour for Friday and arrive on Thursday. </p>

<p>Maybe Nicole can provide some insight about whether CSDay is going to offer a full campus tour or not this year. Last year, they didn’t but they got lots of requests, so perhaps they’ll do things differently this year. </p>

<p>CSDay is held on a 3 day weekend, so many kids leave that weekend as well…to go skiing, do community service projects, go home, visit friends, etc.</p>

<p>Well, I think it would depend on if your NMF friend is applying for additional programs like University Fellows or CBH since those require a finalist weekend.</p>

<p>^ ccforlife – excellent point! I don’t suppose UA pays to fly students down for finalist weekends…?</p>

<p>Last year when we went to the Honors Reception we had planned to attend the CS weekend, however, after talking to Dean Karr, he recommended my S come out at a different time so that he could get a much better feel of the campus. </p>

<p>We arranged our visit so that we were on campus during at least one school day (Monday, since we figured Friday would be more low key). Meetings were coordinated with honors, engineering and specific major deans/directors. He had a nice tour with a student ambassador, who introduced him to people (other students along the way) and there was time to just experience the activity of the campus, including the dining hall. </p>

<p>Couldn’t have had a better exposure to what UA is all about. S is extremely happy to be at UA. ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Actually they did reimburse my D for finalist weekend! They paid for Capstone Hotel and meals. I can’t recall what the limit was, but I think it was $500 for travel to/from Bama. Last year the dates were 2/21 & 2/22.</p>

<p>^ …and another “wow” for UA! Thanks, ccforlife.</p>

<p>For UFE last year the school provided a hotel room at the Capstone for each family. All meals were provided for the students. Parents were invited to a reception Friday night, a tour, info session and lunch on Saturday. We drove so I’m not sure if they reimbursed airline expenses.</p>

<p>Momofonly1, was that over President’s Day week-end or MLK week-end?</p>

<p>It was Friday and Saturday Feb 19 and 20. It started early evening on Friday and concluded late afternon on the 20th. There were optional activities on Saturday evening for the kids that were staying.</p>

<p>I think UFE kids were Fri and Saturday …and CBH kids were Sunday and Monday.</p>

<p>Some kids did both.</p>