Better to take PH 105/106 with ENGR 103?

The ME flowchart suggests CH 101 first before tackling the PH required classes. But because of APs, DS plans on taking ENGR 103 this fall. Any reason NOT to hold off on taking CH 101 until later down the road? On ENGR 103, the chatter I have seen on RMP is that it helps if you have past or concurrent PH and Calc knowledge (DS will be starting at Calc 3). No one seems to mention CH knowledge as pivotal for ENGR 103. Thoughts from those CCers with knowledge and/or experience? Thanks.

My freshman son last year took Physics and Engr 103 first semester and had no problems. (He did have AP physics previously though.) He then took Chem. 101 the spring semester. I think whatever works best in your son’s schedule is fine.

My DS, freshman last year, took CH101, Calc 3 and engr103 fall, then physics in the spring. He had ap physics his senior year.

What about physics 125-126? (Honors physics?)
And I wonder why they only offer honors physics 126 in the fall instead of 125?

DS took 125 in Spring and is signed up for 126 in Fall. He did well, while some others in regular physics struggled.

@Nerdyparent, I wondered the same thing about why no PH 125 offered in the Fall. DD took it a few years ago in the Fall.

@drw4taww must be a shortage of faculty for honors at that time or something. I sure wish they would offer 125 in Fall!

What else are they taking? Why not go ahead and take the CH101 in the fall and take PH125 in the spring

CH 101 or 117 (honors) is a “one and done” class for ME majors, with it being a prereq for a class down the road (MTE 271). It also has a separate lab. I thought that the combo of PH 105, Calc 3, and ENGR 103 first semester would be somewhat easier time-wise and sort of play off of each other. As I stated, the chatter that I have heard is that ENGR 103 has a heavy use of PH and Calc, but have not heard that having taken CH or taking it concurrently is as important. So thought that taking Calc 3 and PH 105 concurrently may be beneficial.

He will also have ENGR 161 (Small Scale Engr Graphics), ME (Intro to ME), and MUA 153 (MDB Marching Band) for a total of 14 credits. Wanted to make it a lighter load in the fall of first year, especially with the anticipated time needs for marching band He’s coming in with (hopefully) with 29 AP credits (no AP physics or chem though).

Even if one of my kids placed out of intro physics, I would probably have them take it again. But depends on a student’s abilities and motivation, I guess.