Eng 103

My DS needs to take this class despite that he is in honors Calc3 and is a ChemE major. Any suggestions on profs? Honors vs Non Honors? Your input would be greatly appreciated!

Do you mean ENGR 103? (Engineering 103) My son was very pleased with Professor Monk’s class (honors). Certainly not easy but he ended up with a high B (despite an A on the comprehensive final).

If there’s any chance he could, I’d suggest taking it over the summer. I got over 100 taking it with Monk during July… If not, chose Cooper or Monk.

My son really liked ENGR 103 with Carswell. He was an undeclared engineer when he took it. I believe it was a non-honors section. He did well in the class.

DS is taking it this semester with Wood. He says he isn’t having too much trouble with it; so probably means he isn’t acing it, but not doing too badly. :slight_smile: His roommate has it with Monk. Also, doing well enough. From here & FB page I understand this class can be tough.

Thanks for all of your input! He will have to wait and see who is teaching the class that fits best with his spring schedule. At least there are a few profs to pick from!