ENG 103 Questions

DS and I have been perusing the older threads regarding ENG 103. With a student who’s coming in with AP Calc AB & Physics 1, would the general consensus be to hold off on that class until the Spring and get Calc. 2 under his belt first this Fall? We realize 103 is a weeder class and he wanted to position himself in the best possible way in order successfully navigate that class. He’s already discussed study groups, tutoring (engineering) and professor after class hours as methods to attack this course. Any other suggestions from someone engaged in this class on how to prepare prior to the start, or opinions on how this somewhat new class has evolved over the past two years. Teacher recommendation would also be helpful to him.

So as not to confuse with EN 103, which many freshman eng’g students will also take, the proper designation for this course is ENGR 103. :wink:

There are no professors listed as of yet (all TBD at this time), sorry. (I don’t even recognise most of the profs’s names from the current semester.) Hopefully current students/families will weigh in for you. Good luck!

^^ Sorry, yes ENGR 103

I have a son who will be starting at UA in August and will be in Engineering (Computer Science). After looking at courseload., old threads etc, I have decided he should take Calc 2, EN 103 (Honors English) and CS 101 (2nd course in Computer Science) in the fall and wait to take ENGR 103 in the spring. My DS is probably okay at writing but like a lot of engineering types that is not really his comfort zone. With AP credits he will be somewhat accelarated in his classes and I don’t want to overwhelm him in his first semester. I’m thinking Calc 2 like ENGR 103 is somewhat of a weeder class so I think it would be wise to seperate the two classes. CS 101 may also involve a lot of work - does anyone have any thoughts on this class or the English class and what teachers to look for (or lookout for::))?

Was there a situation whereby a student may opt out of ENGR103? Maybe coming in with certain credits in math? Not at home now, But if that’s the case and ENGR is a weed out class, is it worth it to pass on it or still rake it?


For Chem E if your math placement is Calc 3, you can replace engr 103 with upper level chem engr class, Chem, or other science class

^^docndonna …son and I have come to a similar conclusion from our research…he wants to take CHE 125 and Calc 2 in Fall and ENGR 103 in spring. He’s already AP’d out of English 1 & 2 and wants to attack Calc and ENGR 103 in separate semesters while he gets his footing. I believe you had to come into college in Calc 3 or above to exempt (or so I thought I read). Would love to hear some updated observations from those currently enrolled in 103.

^^paul…that’s what I thought…but our sons aren’t in that category (position).

Per what Paul said, it is my understanding that the only engineering students that can skip ENGR 103 are the Chem E students. Hope that helps goinggoing.

Thank you for answering @paul2752‌ and @bocaterp and @docndonna. Didn’t mean to deviate from the OP question. I wasn’t able to refer to the course flowcharts and I couldn’t remember the situation that qualified for skipping it, but AP Calculus triggered the thought (forgot about AB vs BC). For a student who is in the position to opt-out, considering the OPs son’s plan for tackling the class (bravo for thinking so far ahead!!), it seems like it would be a good choice to take advantage of the option to replace ENGR 103 with an alternate course.

Thanks @goinggoing (but 'ol dad had a hand in that plan of attack as well…I might have made a good General - or just an anal retentive dad!). If you take Calc II first (as a ChemE major) are you still required to take ENGR 103 later, or can you exempt?

Here is the basic flowchart

You still have to take it.

If your DS takes Honors ENGR 103, he will probably have Stogner as he has taught the Honors class for the past 2 semesters. In my honest opinion, if your DS has completed AP Calc AB and Physics 1, he will probably be just fine taking the class in the Fall. I only had AP Physics B and Calc BC going into the course in the Fall and got an A+, and I felt the course was not too Calculus or Physics heavy (We used basic integrals one time, but thats the only Calculus I remember doing). The main issue I’ve seen with students not doing well is if they don’t enjoy the engineering coursework, or they don’t treat the class as a college level course and slack off by not doing homework or studying for exams. As long as your DS puts in the time, he should do just fine in ENGR 103 IMHO :slight_smile:

I don’t know your son is going to be Chem E, but lots of students who took ENGR 103 say that the class is barely relevant to what they learn in the future

My DD said technical drawing, torque, and circuits are covered in ENGR 103. She said that one of the first things covered in Calc 2 was vectors which is needed in ENGR 103. That was most of the extent of calc in that course so he could take them together. She did with no difficulty but attention to detail and formatting are a must!

Thanks all for the great info.

I am a current freshman and my best advice is to take it in the summer if at all possible. You will have to have AP calc 1 credit but it is totally worth it. I got it over in a month and got over 100. If you can’t take it over the summer. Try your best to get Bridgett Monk. She is a wonderful person.

^^bamagirl^^ your summer before your Fall Freshman semester? What dates?

I took it summer before freshman year. Personally I took it the month of July. You might be able to take it summer after freshman year but I’m not positive if it’ll affect prerequisites and corequisites. No matter when you take it, I suggest Monk.