<p>SO, I am a high school junior and am taking precalculus honors, however because I already have 4 math credits next year I am not required to take a math course at school. The only math offered senior year is basic level statistics and AP calculus, I am barely making a B in my precalc now and math is my weakness so I wanted to take AP macroecon next year in addition to AP ARt History. I am wondering if not taking AP Calc will hurt my chances at admissions to Pamona.</p>
<p>Note: At my school Aps aren't offered until junior year and most girls just take 2 however I am taking 3 this year and next year I planned to take a fourth year of Spanish (self studying)</p>
<p>ANY ADVICE?</p>
<p>Do you mean Pomona?</p>
<p>Take the classes you want to take (subject to meeting the minimum math requirements at most colleges), and don’t worry about whether that will hurt your admissions chances at “Pamona.” High school should be about learning, not about getting into a prestigious college. You will get into a college that is right for you.</p>
<p>I’m not sure about Pamona, but I would be wary of applying to Pomona without calculus. It literally says on the website you are expected to take calculus–not that those are absolute rules, but you should be mindful of them.</p>
<p>You kinda have to take calc. I agree with BoatShoes. Pretty much any major needs at least 1 year of calc, so you have to deal with it one time or another. Therefore, I think just getting some help, maybe from a tutor or someone who is really good at math in general, is better. In the long run, you have to learn calc at one point or another. Why not do it now and get it over with? That’s my best advice. My math teacher used to say that “all students take calculus at some point”, and tbh, she wasn’t exaggerating at all.</p>
<p>Calculus isn’t a requirement. Pomona offers Calc I and plenty of students take it. We don’t have pre-calc though, so I think that would be the requirement.</p>
<p>Thank You all and “Pamona” was a typo, I was trying to spell Pomona </p>
<p>I have been accepted into AP Calculus and will be taking it next year</p>
<p>It’s good that you’re taking calc. I know firsthand from Pomona admissions that if your school offers Calculus, and you don’t take it, it’s a significant strike against you. It’s not impossible to get in once that happens, but it’s much harder. Akin to getting a C after junior year. Big-time no-no.</p>