BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@kimmyd D got artistic acceptance but still no academic -and she also had her requirements in by Oct. Seems to be common this year, so no need to worry.

THere are rules about the date colleges can set as a deadline for applicants to accept an offer of admission. Don’t let the other program pressure you into accepting before the real deadline! This seems to come up every year.

Hey guys! I’m a current freshman in the program. We set up an accepted students page for Class of 2021 on Facebook so if your son/daughter would like to be added, just shoot me a message :slight_smile:

@kimmyd @Meanasmom Wondering how did you hear about your acceptance to the BFA?

My daughter is trying to decide if she should be celebrating or not . . 
 her Molloy portal was updated today and changed from “you have been at the applied stage since 12/19” to “you have been at the accepted stage since 3/22/2017.” Her Major says BFA Theatre Arts. I also see that Richard Oliver is listed as her counselor. (I don’t remember if it said that before.)

We are trying to decide if this is just an academic acceptance. We have not gotten any email from Ricky about artistic acceptance. But it wouldn’t list him as her counselor if she wasn’t in the program, right?

@EastchesterMom - can you weigh in on this?

@daughtersdreams My daughter has NOT received any information regarding acceptance as of yet! Hope you have good news soon, if Molloy is her chosen college!

@kimmyd Oh I see. The message I read was TO you from @Jjrmom8 I guess Molloy isn’t doing admission status updates for kids who applied to the BFA program until the artistic decisions are done.

My daughter emailed admissions over a week ago wondering if something was missing from her application or what was holding up the academic acceptance. The admissions office must have forwarded my daughter’s email to Ricky because he responded saying to it saying that he’d be sending out notifications by the end of the month and to “Hang in there” My daughter felt bad because she never intended to pester Ricky – she just wanted to make sure her academic file was in order.

So . . . . . Hang in there!

@daughtersdreams We Never even received access to the Portal so your D can consider herself further along than my D :slight_smile: My D did received an email from Ricky last week asking for her Headshot and Resume, which we had sent back in January, but we sent again, he said he needed then for her file but no other information!

@kimmyd Did you apply online? The Portal is just your admissions screen. It is not user friendly. It was very tricky to navigate and worked best when I used IE browser.

Seems it would be very odd for Ricky to ask you for a copy of your headshot & resume for a file just to send you a rejection . . .in my opinion that’s cause for hope.

@daughtersdreams My D received her notice via snail mail. Maybe your D’s letter is on its way :slight_smile: I don’t think she has a portal login either since she applied via common app.

@daughtersdreams my D received her acceptance via email. Hoping you hear good news soon!

@waitingforlife - I think we used Common App too. We haven’t had any direct email contact with Molloy admissions and nothing telling us to log in to a portal. But I kept reading about the “portal” on CC so I googled “molloy university admissions portal” and used that link to create an account. I used the same email address that my daughter used when she did her application.

All I have is a Keycode that was given when filling out the online audition process. I’ll have to try googling it like you did!

@daughtersdreams - Congrats and welcome to the Molloy/CAP 21 family!

@kimmyd Did you see my post to waitingforlife about how to find the portal? #290

@daughtersdreams - finally got logged on and her portal says everything you said with “you have been at the accepted stage since 3/8/17”, which was the date of her letter. I would say your Ds letter went out yesterday!

@waitingforlife – Congrats!

@daughtersdream , found the portal, retrieved her UN and PW, but the system says unknown when I try to login, so she is not in the system as far as I can tell. Will have to wait to get official letter or email.

@kimmyd I had a lot of trouble getting her portal set up too. I don’t know if this will help you or not.

Here’s a link to a page where you’ll see an option on the left that says “New Student Account Retrieval”

It might work for you.

@daughtersdreams Thanks, yes, that is exactly where I was and I tried it with just the UN # the system gave me and then tried the UN with the email 28**** and the system does not recognize her UN or PW :frowning:

@kimmyd – OMG, you have had one heck of a bad ride here
I have my fingers and toes crossed that it all works out for you!