BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@kimmyd You have a molloy email? How did you get that? I’m just using my D’s personal email that she used when she applied on common app.

Here’s another portal

@daughtersdream , No, we do not have an email, didn’t mean to confuse things. I tried adding the to her UN # given to see if it would work for me. I’m just going to wait for the letter, not having any luck with logging in. Thanks Again for all the assistance :slight_smile:

Looking at course list for major in Malloy catalog and it is raising questions. It lists 1 3-hour ballet class and 1 2-hour jazz class. Is that all the dance?! Also, what is a Theatre Arts Studio class? There are a lot of them.

@freddieggirl I think that maybe @ham4ham a current student or @EastchesterMom a mom to a current student might be able to answer your questions. Or better yet, email Ricky Oliver at Molloy.

@freddieggirl and @daughtersdreams - I am not 100% sure on this but from what I could figure out, I don’t think the Molloy catalog has the courses that are done at the CAP21 studio, only the ones that are on the Molloy campus. I was able to find this course curriculum on the CAP21 site, although I am not sure it is current since it has a 9-2014 date but I am assuming it would be something along these lines now too.

@EastchesterMom – Can you come over to this thread and comment on @waitingforlife 's post about curriculum in the Molloy/CAP21 program? What courses are on campus and which ones offered in the city?

@waitingforlife that is exactly what I was looking for. The websites are not super straightforward. I wonder if its current and complete? @EastchesterMom

@waitingforlife @freddieggirl - The curriculum you have from September 2014 is the one Class One had…and it has changed, particularly since Henry Fonte became the director. I don’t have the current curriculum; when your kid is a junior and lives on her own in NYC, the sharing stops, believe me; I am now just a walking wallet! @ham4ham, can you help? And of course the best source of all is Ricky Oliver.

@freddieggirl and @daughtersdreams - I reached out to someone that I know that is a Freshman in the program and she sent me the same link that I posted before. So I don’t know about the changes that have been made as eastchestermom mentioned but I think it at least gives a good idea of the program and we plan to follow up on our visit in April.

@waitingforlife my D is in the freshman class. The theatre Arts Studio is the time they are at Cap - they get 3 hrs credit for the two days they are there. This last semester those days were full of the following classes : Acting Technique I, Vocal Technique I, Ballet I, Jazz I, and Private Voice I. Then at Molloy Campus 3 days a week she had : College Experience ( 1 hr credit ), General Ed Art History ( 3 hrs credit ) Theory of Fundamental Theatre ( 2 hrs credit ) Classical Piano I ( 1 hr credit ) Acting I ( 3 hrs credit ) and Voice and Dictation ( 3 hrs credit ). This was all just in the fall semester. I don’t have access to the entire curriculum, but I know they get a lot of work, in all three fields ( Voice, Acting, and Dance ) Hope this helps at least get you an idea in what a semester may look like as far as what the curriculum may resemble.

So what your seeing on that link, is just what they are doing at Cap per semester.(theatre studio ) They take other courses at Molloy for BFA, the days they are on Campus. The contact hours is how many hours of work they are putting in ( So 6 hrs a day ) but still only getting 3 total credit hours per semester - the freshman year.

I finally figured out how to check the portal and it says “You have been at the accepted stage since 3/22/2017.” so, I think (?) that is an admit. We don’t know much about the school except Ricky was awesome. For those of you that got the acceptance letters, was an academic scholarship mentioned. Or, maybe we have to wait.

It’s an admit, @MTMommma - congrats!

Hey y’all! I’m a current freshman in the program, just to clear up any confusion about the classes we take here is our current and up-to-date 8-semester plan:
It only has codes so you’ll have to look them up with the course catalog, here’s the link for that as well:
Like @mtandsbdad said, the classes labeled as “Theatre Arts Studio” are our CAP21 days, where we are taking most of our major-related classes. The link posted by @waitingforlife ( is at least accurate for the freshman year studio classes (I’m pretty sure that it’s also accurate for the sophomore year studio classes).

Another note, the current class of hs seniors/accepted students have made a FB group, so if you/your S/D has been accepted to the class of 2021 it’s called “Persepctive Cap 21 c/o 2021.” It has 42 members but a good amount of them are actually current students in the program.

@EmilyChristine Thank you!!

@MTMommma D got the financial package about 2 weeks after her acceptance email. Congrats!

@Jjrmom8- thank you for that info! Waiting for the financial aid info and on a few waitlists…WILL THIS EVER END?

She’s Accepted

@kimmyd - OMG! The long ordeal is over- congrats!

We received Ricky’s email this morning and received her letter in the mail! Much to think about and it’s decision time!