BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@EastchesterMom My S received his Molloy acceptance yesterday! I have a few questions, if you are willing to answer?

What did your D? do for housing as a jr & sr? Was it easy to set up? How does it go for the campus/NYC commute? And roommates?

Could you possibly give us details on the instruction & instructors at CAP21 vs. instructors on campus for the BFA classes?

I’m trying to get a better feel overall. S may need to go back to meet students & maybe see the CAP21 facility. He auditioned on Molloy campus.

@#booknerdmom - First of all, many congratulations! My D lived in the dorms freshman and sophomore years; truly the best place to be for the performance opportunities at the Madison. Junior and senior years, she and three girls in her cohort got together and took an apartment in Queens (they stayed in the same apartment both years). They used a place called - very friendly people and easy to work with. It took no time at all to find a great apartment; in fact, none of the cohort had any trouble as far as I know, and they are spread all over the place: some in Queens, some in Brooklyn, some in Manhattan. D and her roomies are a subway ride from the CAP21 studios in lower Manhattan and about 30 minutes away from the RVC campus by car (it should take about 20 minutes, but there is traffic all the time…this is NYC). The key is to get an apartment near a subway line. D has a car, but she and her roomies could take the subway to the Jamaica Long Island Railroad station and get a train there to RVC, where the free Molloy shuttle will pick them up for the 5 minute drive to campus. Those living on campus take the LIRR to Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan, where they hop a subway to the CAP21 studios. I was skeptical at first too, but believe me, the kids get used to it right away and really don’t give it a thought. They use the time to relax, sleep, read, entertain LIRR commuters, whatever. From the school’s point of view, this is a lesson in what it is like to be a working actor in NYC…you’re on a train or subway.

I’m not sure what you’re asking re the instructors at CAP21 vs. the instructors at RVC. They are either professional Broadway performers who teach on the side or between shows, or they are professional theatrical educators, like Henry Fonte himself. It’s the same faculty, just spread across two venues. During freshman year, my D had her private voice lesson at RVC, but her roommate had hers at CAP21. Just a matter of scheduling.

Absolutely your S should come on back and visit the CAP21 studios (brand new and gorgeous!!), talk to students, and talk to faculty. Accepted Students Day is Saturday, April 14 at RVC; you could combine a visit to the studios on Friday. I guarantee that you and your S will love what you see. Again, congrats, and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 family!!

@#booknerdmom - I will just add a bit to @EastchesterMom from a Freshman mom point of view.

Housing - many stay on campus thru Sophomore year, however my D is planning to move off next year so we will be looking in a few months. She has not had an issue with the commute and has liked having the best of both worlds by getting to be in Manhattan part of the week and on a small campus the rest of the week.

Instructors - this is not 100% the case but in general, they take their dance, acting & technique classes at the CAP21 studio in Manhattan and their GEs and more of the academic classes like History of Musical Theater, etc. at Molloy. There are great professors at both campuses. At CAP21 they may be currently working professionals, my D’s acting instructor was in The Great Comet last season. Many of the adjunct instructors work at other campuses as well. For example, last semester my D had a voice and diction class and her friend that is at NYU MT had the same instructor for her voice and diction class.

Yes the CAP21 studio just moved into their new facility which was built specifically for them so it is very nice from what I hear. Last year we couldn’t make any of the accepted students days so we arranged another day and we toured the Molloy campus and my D was able to sit in on a class at the CAP21 studio.

Congratulations to your son and good luck!

There’s nothing like current information, @waitingforlife - thank you! This thread will need a new “administrator” in a few months, as yours truly will graduate on May 21!! I will toss in that one of the dance instructors is currently appearing in Hello, Dolly as a featured dancer - when he did the “Waiter’s Gallop,” I nearly passed out!!!

UPDATE: D is appearing in what may be her last show at the Madison Theatre this Saturday: “Chess and Other Pieces: Broadway Musicals of the 80’s.” Then it’s on to the industry Showcase in April; then graduation. Somebody pinch me; this four years flew by like four minutes.

And hopefully a job!!! :wink:

From your lips to god’s ears, @mtandsbdad! She’s auditioning like crazy.

@#booknerdmom Would you be willing to share how you received the acceptance? S did a walk-in for them at Unifieds and we are.anxiously awaiting the results. Thank you!

@speezagmom My S auditioned 2/21 on the Molloy campus. Big envelope acceptance received 3/5, letter was dated 3/1. I hope your D recieves good news soon!

Thanks, @#booknerdmom!

I just want mine to find some summer work, so she doesn’t have to live at home this summer… LOL I love her, but…

I love it when my D is home, but she’s bored here…guess it means I’ve done my job and she’s ready to take on the world.

Ok - here’s a story of true confessions. Molloy is in my son’s top 2 schools he is most interested in - most desires an acceptance from. (Since Unifieds as we had not looked into them prior) I came home from work for a quick lunch and am headed back to the office. He got a big envelope from Molloy admissions. I am DYING. Not sure how I will focus going back to work as I wait for him to get home, open it and call me. If it’s what I hope it is, I’m sure we’ll be looking to some of you for information as I didn’t find their website to be super informative.

Oh boy, @speezagmom - not sure how I’ll focus, either!!!

Congrats @EastchesterMom!!

@speezagmom last year, around this time, I learned which lights in my house were bright enough to penetrate layers of envelopes and paper. Sometimes a sunny window works too. My fear was handing over an envelope with a big grin on my face, but there being a rejection inside… Hoping it’s very good news for your son!

@CentralOHmomof4 - on what??? On my passing this thread on to you next year?

Haha, yeah that too. I meant on successfully raising an adult! My (non MT) oldest is graduating this spring, and while parenting is never over, I feel like my “job” as her parent is concluding. One down, three to go, lol!

@CentralOHmomof4 - Actually, I think I did it by accident. Any success was purely coincidental. And my oldest graduated from NYU in 2014 - guess what, she went back to school and is still living with me! No empty nester here!

@CentralOHmomof4 I too have found those lights, but this was either a thick envelope or it’s all in a folder. There was NO cheating allowed this time. :))