BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

We’re waiting with baited breath here, @speezagmom - thoughts and prayers coming your way!!!

It was an acceptance! Yay! Now we just have to figure out if we can make the money work. [-O< I’m sure I’ll have questions for all of you. I need to get home and read everything!

congrats @speezagmom!! My S hopes to hear the same good news!

Best of luck @MTmomSF ! Sending prayers and good vibes your way!

Congrats, @speezagmom, and welcome to the family! Don’t forget to post on the Acceptances thread! Hang in there, @MTmomSF!

@speezagmom Congrats! @MTmomSF It was a dreadful opaque folder acceptance, hope that one makes its way to there soon!

Hi Everyone, I just spent I don’t know how long reading everything I could find on CC regarding Molloy/CAP21. I feel like I have a good general feel. @EastchesterMom can you talk about class one’s experience with getting interest from agents - getting representation - and also the upcoming showcase? One of my concerns was if they do a showcase and have the connections to transition to professional work. It looks like they do, but I’m wondering what that looks like. I also have a ton of questions about costs as our package had a couple of scholarship letters but did not include the cost side of things or any FA. I assume that’s coming and will ask some questions with the school. I am now mostly concerned about if we can make the costs work.

Does anyone know if they are done sending acceptances? My D still hasn’t heard anything.

@speezagmom - Class One’s showcase is a month away, so it’s too early to tell how much interest and work will come from that. We are confident that the CAP21 name and reputation will result in many industry bigwigs showing up. Be aware that a showcase is not the only way to get an agent or a gig; in fact, many schools do not do them at all. Having an agent doesn’t guarantee work, either. When I was in your shoes 4 years ago, D and I thought a showcase was the be-all and end-all – it’s just NOT. It’s up to the artist to get herself out there and be seen. D has been auditioning like crazy, getting up at 3:00 a.m. to get on a line in Manhattan just to be seen - along with 500 other girls. D fought like mad to get accepted to a NYC-based program, and this is why - she’s getting a jump on the jobs simply by being there. An agent might alleviate some of the crack-of-dawn lines, but not all. So, as thrilled as we are about the showcase, I’m not counting on it as a panacea…getting work is hard work. Let’s face it, this is the life they’ve chosen!

Class One has had master classes all semester, where professionals come in, teach a class, and give the kids pointers. In my book, this is incredibly valuable for getting work. The shows at the Madison that D has been in all four years (Class One got away with it as freshmen; CAP21 cracked down after that and freshmen can’t audition for the Madison) were also alongside Broadway pros, and were an amazing experience. The more pros who see/work with you, the better off you are for future work.

Re costs -If there were scholarship letters in your package, wow and congrats! The school is generous with FA (which includes scholarships, BTW), in my experience! Tuition for the Spring 2018 semester was $14,555, plus an additional $3,000 for CAP21. I don’t know about room and board because my D doesn’t live on campus. Having sent my older D to NYU (non-MT), which cost way more than that, Molloy was a bargain to me. And as I said, D got a generous merit scholarship based on her grades. There are no talent scholarships at Molloy/CAP 21; there is one for non-Theatre Arts majors, if you can believe that! It was there before the partnership with CAP21 existed. Something will have to change on that!!

@MTMOM17 - I wish I knew; I’m sorry!

@MTMOM17 - did your D apply after she auditioned? I think it takes a little longer to hear if you do that than if you were already accepted into Molloy before you auditioned.

@waitingforlife no, she applied before she auditioned during NY Unifieds. The auditions were a bit out of order (meaning she didn’t audition at her assigned time) because they were running late and people were moved around a bit to accommodate kids who needed to get to their next audition. She received academic acceptance and scholarships months ago, but still no word on artistic acceptance. Maybe her application got lost in the shuffle, or maybe they haven’t sent rejections yet. Either way, I guess it doesn’t look good at this point.

My daughter auditioned in January during Unifieds. She applied ahead of time and was told her application had to be cleared before they would allow her to schedule an audition. She has not received a single thing in the mail from Molloy regarding her application, we have no idea if she was academically accepted except for a video that was sent via text message that said congratulations.

@mtmom17 - I don’t know that all the offers have gone out. I was just saying that might slow things down. Hang in there because you never know until you officially get the no.

@collegemom2000 we received that text message too. My D thought it was an acceptance.

We also auditioned in January during Unifieds. I wonder if our paths crossed!

Thanks @waitingforlife! Of course you are right!

@MTMOM17 she was there for the audition on Saturday. I believe she was the first one to go after the dance call because we had to get back for another one at Unifieds.

I’m very sorry she thought the text was an acceptance. I think we are still confused about what it actually meant since we never received anything in the mail regarding an acceptance to Molloy.

@collegemom2000 we were there on Friday, but did not get to do the Dance call due to scheduling conflicts. Rebecca said it wasn’t a big deal, but maybe it was?

Yes, she totally thought it was an acceptance. We were driving to another audition when the text came through and she had me pull over on the side of the highway bc she was excited, lol.

We got the envelope…it was a yes for my S. He is very happy.

Congrats @MTmomSF! You never know, maybe our boys will be there together next fall!