BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Congrats and welcome to the family, @MTmomSF! @MTMOM17, hang in there, we haven’t heard about any girl admits yet!

@EastchesterMom We are working on setting up a visit to Molloy. Do you have any recommendations? Hotel close to campus? Best transportation options? Favorite restaurants? Anything else? (We’re a flight away so we won’t have a car.)

@speezagmom @EastchesterMom We are coming out too to tour. Spring break (April 9th week)…let us know if you will be there then too.

@speezagmom - if you won’t have a car, then stay in Rockville Centre and cab it. Campus is about 3 miles from downtown RVC. Here are 3 good hotels: Ramada, 516-206-3727; Best Western,516-678-1300; Hampton Inn, 516-599-1700. There are tons of great restaurants in RVC; it’s a charming town. Re transportation, RVC has a Long Island Railroad station that will whisk you to Manhattan in 35 minutes, which you’ll want to do to visit CAP21.

@MTmomSF - we live an hour from Molloy and happily I’m done with college tours! Have fun; you’ll love the campus and the Manhattan studios! When my D saw the Madison Theatre, it sealed the deal! Just got home from seeing her last undergraduate performance on the Madison stage…bittersweet!

@speezagmom & @MTmomSF - my D does tours on the Molloy campus and they usually try to match CAP21 tour guides with potential CAP21 students so maybe she will be your guide :slight_smile:

@MTmomSF Unfortunately, we won’t be there at the same time. S has choir tour the first week of April and has his home concert the night of the 8th. I’m waiting to hear back from Rebecca, but we’re shooting for the 16th.

@speezagmom Congrats and enjoy your visit!

Update for all of you still waiting: Rebecca advises that decisions will continue and hopefully will all be out via snail mail by the middle of April. If you haven’t heard anything yet, consider yourself “still in the mix.”

Middle of April? Yikes!

They’re aiming for the end of March, but they use snail mail.

Definitely making a decision in this house before mid-April! Let’s hope if its a yes it comes sooner than later!

@collegemom2000 - they seem to bring up the rear every year, along with Boco. My D get her decision on April 8 that year.

That’s just not enough time to visit a school and make a decision by May 1 in my opinion. I don’t understand why they just don’t mail everyone out at once; surely they must know by now who they do and don’t want.

@collegemom2000 - I don’t profess to know what the decision-making process is at this or any other program - all I’m saying is this is far from the only program that notifies “late.” Will you cross all the later-notifying schools off your list? Not for nothing, Molloy/CAP21 also holds auditions later than many others. As for time to make a decision, what will you do if your kid gets in somewhere off the waitlist? I have a friend whose daughter got in off the waitlist in August - as she was packing to attend another school. There was no time to visit before making a decision - and she accepted the offer of admission from the waitlisted school. It’s just one more cross we all in this crazy process have to bear!

I think its important for her (and us) have closure on this process and be able to focus on the financial and logistical parts of the puzzle. She already has three good acceptances and I am sure I would feel differently if she had nothing yet. I’d like to know all of her options by April 5th so that we can arrange visits and have time to absorb everything.

Wow; that’s great - congrats! Best of luck with making a decision!

Uber is $5.00 from rockville centre

I hear you on the notification timing. We literally visited Molloy on April 28 last year! So glad we did - the culture is unlike anything we had seen. Direct, supportive and highly engaged. In addition to a tour of campus and conservatory, D was able to sit in on an afternoon of classes at cap21, and talk to MT students who were getting out of an on-campus ballet class with Spence (they take dance at both cap21 and molloy). If you can find a way to swing it, I highly recommend a visit. It put our minds at ease about the dual locations, the safety, and the community, which were all definitely on our minds with her being so far from home.

Thank you, @CentralOHmomof4! @collegemom2000 - I hope you get your decision soon - and if it’s a yes, I hope you give us a serious look. You’ll love what you see!