BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@EastchesterMom thanks! I will keep you posted. D has three friends at Cap21 currently who seem to love it there.

@EastchesterMom @CentralOHmomof4 Can you speak to what living costs are off campus? Being from the mid-west, we have a stereo-type picture of tiny apartments that cost a bazillion dollars a month. This is one of our bigger cost concerns - the unknown of living expenses when they canā€™t live on campus any longer. We know everything will be more expensive there - just not sure how much more expensive.

@speezagmom - my D has been living in her Ridgewood, Queens apartment for the last 2 years, after dorming for 2 years. Itā€™s a 4-bedroom, 1 bath apartment on the second floor of a brownstone. They are the first tenants since the landlord renovated the place: exposed brick in the living room and a skylight! My D persuaded the landlord to install 2 washers and 2 dryers in the basement, so laundry isnā€™t a problem (this is an issue, believe me). The rent is $3250 per month, split 4 ways it isnā€™t bad for NYC. Itā€™s a safe neighborhood, too. Some of her classmates pay more; others pay lessā€¦there are places for every budget.

One issue you should know about is the availability of work-study. Even if your child doesnā€™t qualify for this kind of financial aid, have him hustle to the Madison Theatre and ask for work there. The Madison puts on shows for the public that are just fabulous. D has worked all 4 years as an usher, ticket sales, stage hand, etcā€¦ the kids make a few bucks just steps from the dorms and get good, relevant experience, too. The manager of the theatre, Angelo Fabroni, is wonderful and saw his opportunity when the BFAs came to Molloyā€¦ talent right in his backyard. He gives them jobs and books them for shows separate and apart from the CAP21 curriculum, as has been well documented on this thread. Itā€™s one of the many things that makes this program so different and amazing.

Some of Dā€™s cohort have been working in off-campus jobs in the Roosevelt Field mall, in restaurants, in a bakery, you name it, to work their way through college. They are living the lives of NYC actors. I have come to know and love every member of Class One - they are talented performers and great people.

@EastchesterMom Iā€™m smiling at the kids working in Roosevelt Field because thatā€™s what I did as a kid!

LOL, @MTMOM17 - youā€™re a ā€œGuyland Girlā€ like me!!!

@EastchesterMom, I sure am! Born and raised! Lived in NY (including college and law school) all my life until I moved to Florida 7 years ago.

Me, tooā€¦I went to college in upstate NY, but came back to LI for law school! When I was a kid, Molloy was an excellent nursing school for women only. Just look at it now!

@speezagmom - I have been searching the rental boards for my D for next year even though it is early, I wanted to get a feel for what was out there. There seems to be a good supply in the Brooklyn and Queens area that is in the price range per person and some a little less than @EastchesterMom noted above. Iā€™m not sure what other options you are looking at but be sure you look at off campus housing in those areas too. Many of the Midwest college apartments can be expensive as well because they are college towns primarily and apartments are in short supply. Many of my friends kids in various areas had to commit to an apartment for next year as early as last September by finding a senior that was moving out.

@speezagmom @MTMOM17 My S will take a class and tour CAP21 in the afternoon, on Friday, 4/6. We are on Long Island, so Iā€™m glad at this point the visit will be easy! He may need to visit Molloy again, since the audition time didnā€™t allow him to see that part of the campus. Exciting working toward a decision!

Has anyone else heard from them recently? My D is still waiting. I walk to my mailbox with my heart in my throat every day.

@EastchesterMom, do you know if they have a wait-list?

@MTMOM17 - my D hasnā€™t heard anything yet eitherā€¦ I share your sentiment, the mail creates such angst and trepidation these days! :-/

@MTMOM17 - they are still sending out decisions. I have not heard of a waitlist, but logically there should be one. Hugs while you hang in there!

@MTMOM17 @JavaJo - to add to the angst, Molloy was on spring break last week, and was closed on Monday due to ā€œelectrical issues.ā€ Today, thereā€™s another norā€™easter happening (number 4). I really wish they would notify by email and send the big envelopes later!

Thank you @EastchesterMom ! We are waiting on 3 more schools and trying to prep for 3 ā€œnoā€™sā€ but secretly hoping for a ā€œyesā€ from Molloy/CAP 21 as this is my Ds top choice right nowā€¦ canā€™t wait for this whole stressful process to be done!

@EastchesterMom, me too!!!

I canā€™t wait for this stressful process to be over, too, @JavaJo!!! We are still waiting on 7 schools and I feel like Iā€™m going to loose my mind.

Itā€™s hard to believe that this part will be over in just a few weeks!!

Keep the faith, folks!

Sorry, @EastchesterMom! I donā€™t mean to sound like a Debbie Downer. I think this process has brought out the worst in me.

But I am
ā€“keeping faith!!

@MTMOM17 - thatā€™s why we Class of 2018 moms called ourselves ā€œsurvivorsā€ - because thatā€™s what we were (are). Soon you will be one, too!

@MTmomSF @booknerdmom Have either of your kids received a full financial statement from Molloy? S received the folder with his acceptance and merit scholarship letters. He then received another folder about a week later with letters. What we havenā€™t received is the statement weā€™ve gotten from other schools that says - Hereā€™s how much it costs and hereā€™s your net cost after scholarships, etc. I emailed their financial aid office a week ago asking about this, but no answer. Wondering if youā€™ve received anything different and/or when you received?