BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@speezagmom S got his acceptance letter/folder first. Then last week FA letter, FA guideline folder/brochure, and the Cost of Attendance printout that all schools send.

I sent an email to FA on Monday to clarify 1. Was this the final determination? 2. Did the COA include the $6,000/yr CAP21 fee? (as that was not clear on the COA, which had specific language about various school fees not being included)

We don’t qualify for need based aid, so I inquired about S possibly qualifying for a particular scholarship/grant described in the FA guide. I haven’t heard yet; I know that weather’s been a factor.

@#booknerdmom - last year our COA did include the $6,000 CAP21 fee.

@booknerdmom Thanks for the info! Hope we get ours soon. I know the poor East coast has been inundated with weather. It doesn’t make it easier for anyone waiting for notifications of any sort from the schools! Let me know how the class/visit goes on the 6th. We’re booked for both CAP21 class/tour and Molloy tour on the 16th.

Update: D attended Straw Hats and received 11 callbacks. I’m proud to announce that she has accepted an offer from Weathervane Theater in New Hampshire for this summer!

@EastchesterMom Congratulations to your daughter!! Fantastic news!

@EastchesterMom congratulations! That’s amazing!

Congrats @EastchesterMom That’s great news!

Congratulations to your daughter, @EastchesterMom!! That’s fantastic!

Congratulations to your daughter, @EastchesterMom !! I know she’s graduating soon, but please come back to share her story and her successes so we all have something to look forward to :slight_smile:

I hope there are more successes to report about, @CentralOHmomof4 ! It ain’t easy - it makes the process of getting accepted to an MT program seem like a day at the beach.

Congrats @EastchesterMom !!! Very exciting times for your D!!!

Is anyone else still waiting to hear?

@MTMOM17 - We are still waiting here too! It’s our last one and it’s my Ds number one choice so the wait is killing us!

Thanks @JavaJo! Maybe we will both hear tomorrow. Best of luck to your D!

Best of luck to yours too @MTMOM17 ! I’m hoping we’ll hear something by the end of the week at least! And hopefully good news for both of us!

Don’t look now, but there’s more snow in the forecast for Monday- and Molloy is a Catholic school; I think they’re closed for a couple of days this week.

They were definitely closed Thursday-Monday (today) for Easter break, but my D had a couple of assignments due tomorrow so I think they are back in session tomorrow (Tuesday).

Thank you @EastchesterMom and @CentralOHmomof4. No mail today from Molloy. I hope we hear soon because my D is just about ready to make a decision.

The waiting is horrible; I feel for you, @JavaJo and @MTMOM17!

Thanks @EastchesterMom. It really stinks.

We received our acceptance package today. We are West coast. Looks like it may have been mailed March 28. We auditioned at Chicago Unifieds and applied academically before auditions. Hopefully that helps someone.