BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Congrats @loribelle!!!

My D auditioned in January. Received her academic acceptance (and financial package, including scholarships) months ago, but she is still waiting for an artistic decision.

@MTMOM17 was the package after the audition but didn’t say the major name on it? Have you called?

You’ll get it this week, @MTMOM17 - Rebecca said so.

@loribelle - congrats, and welcome! You may be on to something - @MTMOM17, check your package carefully and email Rebecca if you’re not sure.

@loribelle and @EastchesterMom my D emailed Rebecca more than a week ago. She never responded.

I’ll double check the acceptance she received but I remember thinking it was academic only.

It’s a combination university/program admission package that states BFA Theater arts as the major in the letter. This is unlike some programs that send two separate packages/notifications.

We unfortunately are taking Cap21 off the list and going forward with making a decision from the programs we already have. Having to wait this long for a decision has turned us off to the program (and we “think” she was academically admitted due to the vague text video we received, but nothing in the mail.) I figure if the top tier programs with thousands of applicants can notify by April 1 then there is no reason this one cannot. Good luck to those hoping for word! We are moving on.

@collegemom2000 I get it…your first acceptances/waitlists get lots more attention…time to research, contact students and alumni, make campus visit plans. A more well-known program can notify a little later but I think these delays with small/newer programs such as this will definitely hurt their attrition. You’re not the first person I’ve heard say it’s too late to schedule a visit, especially with school performances, tech weeks, etc

@loribelle yes, it’s a shame. D goes on her spring choir trip next week, then back to school and has to get ready for AP tests, graduation, etc. There simply is no time to travel to New York for a visit this late in the game. I need to also make contact with the Financial Aid offices of her current choices to see if I can negotiate more money…have to prioritize. If it was a dream school, we would just go ahead and visit with hopes of getting in. But she has good options and is ready to move forward. Hoping for good news for all and hope it comes soon!

For anyone still waiting for a Decision, Rebecca got back to my D today and told her that her Decision was mailed yesterday.

@MTMOM17 - fingers and toes crossed!!

Thank you @EastchesterMom!

@MTMOM17 - whew…waiting with baited breath here too! Thanks for the update! Just trying to surrender this one to God, but really, really, really hoping for a yes - for your D and mine! (Although we are mentally preparing for a “no”…). This wait is killing us!!

Fingers and toes crossed for you, too, @JavaJo!

Best of luck @MTMOM17 and @JavaJo! All my fingers and toes crossed!

Thank you @speezagmom!

@collegemom2000 we made the same decision about Cap21. We are also still waiting on Texas Tech. @-)

@MTMOM17 - any word? We still have not received anything here. :frowning:

No word yet, but we haven’t received today’s mail yet, have you @JavaJo?

@JavaJo we just got our mail. Nothing from Molloy.