BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@MTMOM17 - weren’t you told that it was mailed out on Monday? Unless you live in Siberia, you should have gotten it by now!!!

Yes @EastchesterMom, Rebecca said she mailed it on the 3rd. It should be here by now.

Sigh - I don’t know what to say. I have passed along that there is dissatisfaction with the late notifications. For what it’s worth, we got our decision on April 8, 2014.

@MTMOM17 - yeah, nothing in our mail today either :frowning: Crossing fingers for tomorrow! We are not ready to eliminate them from our choices because it remains my Ds number one choice! :frowning:

And I keep reminding myself of that @EastchesterMom - that you got yours on April 8. So there’s still hope!!

@EastchesterMom it would be so much better if they would just email the letters, maybe you could pass that along as well. Being on the West Coast, I know that it can sometimes take a week for mail to get here from the East Coast.

@JavaJo I sent you a PM

Yes, I have think there’s still hope @JavaJo!

Perhaps tomorrow!

@waitingforlife - I’m not in a position to tell a school how to notify applicants. Many schools send via snail mail, usually because there is a lot of material sent to successful applicants all at once (the “big envelope”!) Those that use portals or email are generally programs that have thousands of applicants and/or admit larger classes.

OMG, OMG, OMG!!! We just found out my D was accepted!!! Thank you @coronado for suggesting we email! We emailed Rebecca just a bit ago because we still didn’t get anything in the mail today, and she emailed back right away and told us the “acceptance package” was mailed earlier this week and apologized for the mail delays. We are beyond excited! We all three cried tears of joy! Now just hoping the financial package makes it doable because this truly is my Ds dream school! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Congratulations @JavaJo !!! So excited for you and your D!

Congrats @javajo! So happy for you.

@EastchesterMom @waitingforlife Can you tell us if there is much production experience? S forgot to ask during tour at CAP21 yesterday. Do they have the kids who aren’t cast, work to support in tech, costume, etc.? We may need to do a shadow day at Molloy - seeing the sophomore show tomorrow too.

Wow!!! Congrats @JavaJo !!! Great news!!!

Still nothing here.

@MTMOM17 - I’m so sorry! We still have gotten the letter, just emailed Rebecca to inquire. Has your D checked her email today? If she doesn’t have an email from Rebecca, I would recommend emailing her directly.

Thank you @JavaJo.

Unfortunately the last time my D contacted Rebecca it took her over a week to respond so my D won’t contact her again.

At this point I’m grateful my D has other great options!

@#booknerdmom - I don’t have a lot of information about production experience. I know my D has not worked on anything this year. Since they don’t do a lot of full productions, I would guess there is not too much opportunity in this area. As I have heard many parents who have kids at other schools complaining about the extra long hours put in working crew on shows, I have not been terrible disappointed by this. However, some of the kids do get jobs at the Madison Theater for their shows and I believe some of that work involves helping with sets etc. @CentralOHmomof4 might be able to answer more on that as her daughter has worked at the Madison this year.

@JavaJo - Congratulations and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 family!!

@#booknerdmom - The Molloy/CAP21 program is unique- the Projects are the shows, and everyone gets cast. Yes, there is plenty of stagecraft learned during the Projects. In addition, those who work in the Madison get experience in all aspects of the theater, as well as the opportunity to perform with the pros. It’s an amazing program!

Thank you @EastchesterMom !! I actually have you to thank! I stumbled upon this thread late January and read all the wonderful things you had to say about Molloy/CAP21 and shared it with my D and we decided to last minute to apply and add Molloy/CAP21 to our audition schedule at Chicago Unifieds. We are so excited! This really is my Ds dream school! :slight_smile: So thank you!!

OMG, @JavaJo - you made my day! Sounds like your D is going to commit- she’ll LOVE it!!