BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@MTMOM17 and anyone else still waiting: Rebecca responded to my email about your frustration at the slow speed. She says you should email her.

My D reached out to Rebecca again, but she didnā€™t respond :frowning:
Iā€™m expecting a rejection any day now.
This saddens and surprises me a bit because Rebeccaā€™s feedback during Dā€™s audition was the most positive of all of her auditions (she compared her to Idina Menzel, asked her if she had a goal of playing Elphaba, worked with her and vocalized her) But I guess that just goes to show that you never know what goes into these decisions. :slight_smile:

Overall, I think things really do work out the way they are supposed to. My D went to Accepted Students Day at another school yesterday and loved it!

Best of luck to all of you who end up at Molloy! Iā€™m sure itā€™s a great program!

@MTMOM17 - Iā€™m so glad to hear she loved her experience at the Accepted Students Day! And I agree - you just never know what goes into making these decisions. But so happy for your D that she has an option she is excited about! In the end, that is what matters! They will all end up where they are meant to end up. :slight_smile: Wishing you and your D all the best! Hope weā€™ll get to read about your journey on the final decisions thread! :slight_smile:

Hello I am new to all of this. Daughter just got an acceptance over the weekend. Lots of questions if one of you kind souls might direct message me???


@Oā€™mom!! - I just did. Welcome and congratulations!

Congratulations @Oā€™mom!! :slight_smile:

Trying to message you?

@Momarco who are you trying to message? I donā€™t think you can message until you have 15 posts. But someone else can message you if you let them know by tagging them in your post.

As I predicted, my Dā€™s rejection arrived yesterday.

Luckily, my D was unfazed and is super excited about her other options.

@MTMOM17 Iā€™m sorry to hear that - but happy that she has other choices that sheā€™s excited about. Best of luck in your decision!

Thanks @speezagmom. I appreciate that!

Iā€™m so sorry, @MTMOM17 - your D has several great offers and I know sheā€™ll love where she lands! BAL, BAL!

Iā€™m sorry @MTMOM17 :frowning: - but so glad she has other options that she is excited about! :slight_smile:

Every student is cast in the projects ( These are the performances ). The C in CAP stands for Collaborative. This means they try and develop every student. They donā€™t always get even parts, but they all get an opportunity to perform their skill set during the projects. My D is a Soph, and just had her Composer project this weekend, and every sophomore had some part of a solo at some point. Most of them on stage by themselves at some point. It is a wonderful program, instructed by theatre professionals. With a desire to get their students work when its all said and done.

@mtandsbdad - just wait until junior year, when your D and her cohort write, choreograph, score, stage, direct and produce their own musical - in 6 weeks. Itā€™s not to be missed - I guarantee youā€™ll be blown away!

@mtandsbdad and @EastchesterMom A couple of curiosity questionsā€¦ I know somewhere on this thread, there has been talk about the students being able to audition for the professional shows/concerts put on in the theatre on campus. In your experience, have many of them made it into any of those? Is it an equity theatre where they are able to earn a point or two at some point?

Does the school help the students with summer stock at all? IE: Auditions on campus, professors who direct - hiring students, other?

Do they also do big main-stage productions in addition to the projects?

Do they livestream any of the projects? IE: could one find a recording of the composer project somewhere? Unfortunately, when we visit, weā€™ll be right between performance weekends. Iā€™ve asked Rebecca if it would be possible to attend a rehearsal, and sheā€™s looking into it. That said, seeing a recording would be good too.

@speezagmom - Sophomores, juniors and seniors can audition for the Madison Theatre shows. Yes, many of the students have performed there, right alongside Broadway pros. My D has been in quite a few. I donā€™t think there were Equity points (donā€™t be so quick to want that Equity card, but thatā€™s for another discussion), but the kids are paid, and of course it helps the resume!

Re summer stock - no, the school does not assist; I donā€™t know any that do. The kids learn to navigate StrawHats, NETC, etc. That being said, the school does assign an audition coach to each senior - a VERY nice perk! I have friends with kids at other programs who were jealous of that one!

The Projects are not live-streamed. CAP21 makes it clear that no photos, videos, etc. can be posted on social media, either - they mean it. The Projects are not public performances; they are part of the curriculum. They donā€™t want any amateur renderings of the curriculum! However, for the big junior class Project - I forget the name of it, the one I referred to above where they create their own musical - a DVD was made and a copy was given to each student.

In the senior year (this yearā€™s junior class is so huge that half the class did it this year), there is a big mainstage musical - Class One did ā€œInto the Woods.ā€ Everybody auditioned; everybody is cast. It was in the Madison, and it was spectacular!!!

Thanks! @EastchesterMom. I appreciate the info! Iā€™m not overly excited about him getting his equity card right away, but have heard that having a point or two so you can get your EMC helps with auditioning.

Now Iā€™m curiousā€¦whatā€™s the class size like for the classes behind your D?

Speaking for my Dā€™s (2021) class, there were 34 that came into the program so they split the class into two cohorts.

@speezagmom Rebecca mentioned at Fridayā€™s CAP21 Q&A that they are aiming for 32 for Class 2022. We saw the Sophomore Program on Sunday - 26 girls, 9 boys.