BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@#booknerdmom - that’s what I thought, but I wasn’t sure. Thanks for the info!

@speezagmom My D class(Soph) started in the 40’s. But is down to mid 30’s. It’s a demanding program, and some just don’t realize what they are getting into. And have decided it is just not for them. The students do one big audition at the beginning of the year for the Madison programs. And are selected from that for callbacks throughout the year. Mine will be in her 3rd professional ( paid ) program at the Princess Concert. But there are a lot more opportunities than that. It’s great experience being able to perform with current and past Broadway stars. The summer auditions has been my only disappointment. I know they have to figure that out eventually on their own, but I think the school could be a little more progressive in helping these kids find work in the summer. Even if its just showing them the opportunities out there, instead of them having to start from no where. There are tons of internships besides just performing jobs. But a lot of the young ones, just don’t know where to start. A little guidance would go a long way.

@mtandsbdad and everybody else: Molloy/CAP21 is in the business of training musical theatre performers. They are not agents, managers or casting directors. I am told that every freshman is assigned an upperclassman as a “buddy.” That’s where the freshmen can learn the ropes re: getting booked in the real world, which, BTW, is way more competitive than getting admitted to an MT program. I’m just sayin’.

Re: the attrition rate: I had no clue when D started, but yes, it is true that for a variety of reasons, kids leave these programs, some voluntarily, some involuntarily. @mtandsbdad is 100% right; it is a demanding program. Many a time, my D called me crying, overwhelmed and exhausted, but she found the strength to go on. Fall semester of junior year was the most demanding of all; if you can make it through that, you’re golden! I have talked to other Class of 2018 parents, and compared notes re: attrition - apparently, our attrition rate is one of the better ones. Class One started with a cohort of 26; 18 will graduate in just FIVE WEEKS!!!

I didn’t really expect that they would help people get booked per say, but was thinking more of other schools we’ve visited where summer stock auditions happen on campus (Like A1) or some of the faculty direct summer stock and regularly hire students, etc. I was hoping they might have some of those types of connections.

I’m really late to this party but wanted to chime in after reading some of the comments. My D is also a sophomore in the program. I agree with @mtandsbdad - it is a very demanding program and not for everyone. Most of the students that we lost in the class of 2020 decided to focus on something different- all of them were top notch students/performers - just decided to take a different path. There have been some growing pains with Molloy- the school up until recently was a commuter school but with the addition of the CAP program and the growth of their top notch nursing program, things are changing. The school is changing as fast as they can- so please bear with any irritations you may experience. The CAP students in the class of 2020 are all very supportive of each other and the program has been an amazing and life changing experience for my D. She has grown as a performer and a person. . To anyone joining this program, we look forward to having you. I’m here to answer any questions or offer my perspective as well. Welcome!

That would be great, @speezagmom! FYI, though: because CAP21 is in NYC, you don’t have to go far for many auditions; Straw Hats is usually done at Pace.

Welcome to the party, @ForRhi! I’m so grateful for you, @CentralOHmomof4, @mtandsbdad and hopefully some others that will keep this thread going after I sign off in five short weeks, and extol the virtues of this wonderful program and your talented kiddos’ accomplishments!

OK awesome Molloy Moms ( @EastchesterMom @CentralOHmomof4 @mtandsbdad and @ForRhi )… I sent this question to the financial aid office last night but have not heard back. The statement they sent us has “estimated costs for years 2, 3, and 4”. Those costs show tuition and fees that are close toe $6K lower than the year one information shows. I assume the difference is the studio fee of $6,000 that has been mentioned here. I assume we are not lucky enough for that to be a one time fee, right? They must charge that each year, right? You will make my day if you say it’s a one time fee. <:-P

So sorry, @speezagmom - it’s not a one-time fee. Without seeing the bill, I can’t figure out why it’s cheaper… but I can say that even after 4 years, Molloy’s bills still stump me. The good news is that they’re very nice in the FA office. Right now, I bet they’re overwhelmed, so keep trying to call them.

I called and walked through the COA. I didn’t go over the subsequent years. They confirmed the CAP21 fee is included in the tuition. Housing is listed separate from the totals. The cost that made sense to me was tuition, plus housing, plus board (for meals). The COA listed didn’t really make sense.

I’ll report back when I get a real answer, but I’m guessing that they just didn’t include the studio fee in the tuition for years 2-4.

Molloy is now about to sign up CAP21 Class 5, but they still sometimes don’t get it! You can only imagine what it was like 4 year ago! Orientation week was for the BFAs only…the place was a ghost town. They had to truck in food because the dining halls weren’t open yet. Happily, they’ve learned a lot since then. BAL to the Class of 2022!!!

Ok, now a break from the admission stories! Tonight, D is singing at 244 Studios, a cabaret in Manhattan. This week is Class One’s showcase… I think I’m more nervous than D!

Enjoy @EastchesterMom !

BAL to your D @EastchesterMom and enjoy the shows! :slight_smile:

D killed it tonight! A star is born! Still out celebrating… just canceled my spin class tomorrow morning!

Congrats @EastchesterMom! Was this the showcase last night? So exciting. We were supposed to be in town by yesterday and were going to go to a different school’s showcase. (Had I known about this - I would have wanted to go to see your D!) Didn’t work out anyway due to the blizzard shutting down flights in the midwest. We’re hopefully going to make it out late today so we can spend our day at Molloy/CAP21 tomorrow. We’ll be sitting in on the rehearsal for “On the Town” tomorrow night if our flights go as planned.

@speezagmom - no, the public Showcase for Class One is next weekend. Last night, D sang st a cabaret at Studio 244. I had never heard of these cabaret shows until D started doing them this year. They are audition-based and take place at clubs and studios. It’s not a contest, it’s an exhibition of vocal prowess. There is usually a theme - last night’s was “cranky cabaret,” so all the songs were about being pissed off about something. The participants choose their own songs. The junior class’s production of “On the Town” is shaping up to be amazing. I hope to go see it! I hope you enjoy your visit!

Oh, I forgot an important detail about cabarets! The venue tapes each person’s performance and gives it to the performer…which of course can be used in the future for auditions, etc.

Congratulations, @EastchesterMom !! Looking forward to seeing the musical at the end of the year.
D received her piece for the sophomore fall performance – the Pop Rock concert! (bringing back memories for you?) Thank you for being a trailblazer. Your D and her classmates are SO impressive, and will do the program proud!