BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Thank you, @Jjrmom8 ! She’ll need it - it’s a jungle out there! Congrats to your D on completing her freshman year - now the fun begins, as she can audition for the Madison shows. I sure hope that you and some of the others will keep this thread going and share your wisdom and your kiddos’ experiences with those who seek to follow in their footsteps!

Daughter was notified last week she came off the WL at Cap21 and was offered a spot in the program so the list seems to be moving (she declined offer). Best of luck to everyone!

UPDATE: D and many of her Class One colleagues will perform cabaret-style on graduation night (May 21) at the Triad Theatre, 178 W. 72nd Street in Manhattan, 7:00 p.m. Her first performance as a BFA graduate!!!

Just booked our flights and hotel for the New Student Orientation in June! :slight_smile: So excited to see the campus and Manhattan studios in person!!

@JavaJo - enjoy it! You will be totally blown away by the new studios! And wait until you see the Madison! I’m so excited for you; I almost wish D wasn’t graduating!

Four years went by in the blink of an eye! D and her Class One colleagues graduated today - D was cum laude - and sang tonight at the Triad Theater in NYC! A fitting end, and an auspicious beginning for these pioneers! And now, my many CC friends, I am signing off. I leave you in capable hands! BAL to all your talented kiddos, who I’m sure will love Molloy/CAP21 as much as D did! Farewell!

@EastchesterMom Congratulations to you and your daughter! Thank you for your help through the decision process as we checked out Molloy/CAP21, and please check in once in a while to let us know what class one is up to and how the real world is after graduation. Best of luck and break a leg to your daughter!

Thank you, @speezagmom! I’m relying on @CentralOHmomof4, @waitingforlife, @mtandsbdad, and our new Class of 2022 family members to carry on what I started here. I expect to hear great things about all of your kiddos!

@EastchesterMom - Congratulations to you and your D. Thanks for blazing the trail for us!

Will do, your input will be hard to replicate. Congrats to you and your daughter. Hope 20 years from now - she can look back and say CAP21 was the best decision she ever made, and has had a lifetime of work to show for it.

I promised you an update, and here it is…D is having a great experience so far at Weathervane Theatre in NH. She has been cast in 4 shows! Here’s the best: she was cast as Annie in “Chicago,” understudy for Roxie!!! The leads always go to Equity actors, so this is quite an accomplishment! Weathervane reps its shows, so she will be one busy girl trying to learn 5 roles in a few weeks and putting on a different show every day. D’s three roomies also booked work; two doing summer stock and one booked two steady gigs in her new home in Washington, DC. Class One is on its way! And let’s hear it for the understudies!!!

@EastchesterMom - sounds great, thanks for the update!

@EastchesterMom congrats to your D! How exciting!

Wonderful news, congratulations to your D!!

Congrats @EastchesterMom! So glad to hear that class one is doing well. Orientation just wrapped up yesterday for the class of 2022. My son and husband went so I missed out on everything, but it sounds like S is over the moon and can’t wait for move in day. I’ll get the full scoop when he gets home today.

Do post all you can about orientation, @speezagmom - it will be helpful for the Class of 2023 and beyond!

Orientation - where to start? Since I didn’t go with my husband and son, I can tell you what I heard from them. Maybe @JavaJo will chime in as well as I know she was there with her D. First, the orientation schedule was a little confusing when we first saw it. CAP kids and the rest of the college are on a slightly different schedule, and it wasn’t super obvious that the kids went to the normal college orientation on Day 1. Day 1, the kids go to the regular orientation on campus while the parents start on campus and then branch off for the afternoon that is specific to CAP21. Day 2, the kids have a day that is specifically for the CAP group.

A few bits on travel - JFK is the easiest for travel to and from Rockville Centre. You can take the airtrain from JFK to Jamaica station and switch to the LIRR for the ride to Rockville Centre. (Pretty sure it’s also closer if you want to grab an Uber) The hotel with best proximity to the train is the Best Western, however, if you’re not comfortable with a hotel that has rooms with doors to the outside of the building, this isn’t the place for you. My family stayed there this trip. Had I been with, we would have moved.

Day one. For the kids - this was a lot of community building, get to know you, feel good type stuff. It sounds like the CAP kids found each other and stuck together when they weren’t broken out into their respective assigned orientation groups. Sounds like they had a few presentations on things like safety and the dorms, did some community service - picking up food for the local food pantry, and generally had a good time. S came home with a bunch of SWAG from various events throughout the day. For the parents, there were information sessions on campus in the morning, then they took the train in to the Manhattan center where they got to meet with some faculty and get a Q&A. We were even happier with our choice of this college after the parent day. The kids had the option of staying overnight in the dorms which S did. He used this as a trial run with another young man he’s been in contact with. They believe they’ll room together. Side note - Someone - not sure if it was the housing people or the CAP21 people advised that CAP21 kids not room together as they are then together 24/7. They have apparently had to reassign roommates for those people by thanksgiving. S still thinks he and this other kid will room together. S said all the older kids he’s met at the program indicated they have roomed with others in the program and it’s been fine. I guess we’ll find out assuming the other young man gets a spot on campus. (For those who live near campus - apparently, if you live in the area, you are lower on the priority list for getting campus housing.)

Day two: Parents - no events. Kids spent the morning doing some placement testing for music theory, piano class, and musicality/vocal technique (I think). They then took the train in and spent the afternoon at the Manhattan Center. At the end of the day, they were allowed to just go on their own for free time in the city and to head back to campus. S and a group of 5 other kids took the subway up to mid-town and got some ice cream and went to the drama bookshop. The theater running Hello Dolly was nearby, and a lady stopped their group and gave them 3 free tickets to the show. They divvyed those up to the 3 who most wanted to see it, and the rest of them (S included) grabbed the train back to Rockville Center where the shuttle got them back to campus to pick up their luggage.

Oh - one other thing - the faculty and staff at Molloy were so nice. My husband came home with a couple of business cards. One for the housing director who indicated that we can send anything direct to her for delivery to our students in the dorms and the other for a lady in student affairs who will take them to the emergency room at any time of the day or night if they need medical attention. And if that weren’t enough to make you feel more comfortable, My husband also met some very nice people who live near to campus who have also welcomed having S come to their home if he needs a break from campus life.

All in all - S was excited about this college and program before going to orientation, but now he cannot wait til move in day. Orientation made it “real”, and only made him happier with his choice. It was also a great opportunity to meet others in the program and start building relationships beyond their crazy snap-chatting. Onward toward move-in day! Now, how to get all his stuff to him given the distance we have to travel. Hmmm. :))

I’m so excited for you and your son!! My daughter is one of a very small handful of CAP kids who did not room with any other CAP kids last year. She never saw her roommates and did not really get to build relationships with them. They were all fine, just on opposite schedules. She spent most of her “dorm” time in the room of CAP friends. Next year she is going to be in a double that’s within a suite, with 4 other CAP girls (including the ones whose room she hung in most of the time). She’s looking forward to it, and if she had not done that, would have been in an apartment with some CAP kids that are moving off campus to a shared apartment. So, I wouldn’t worry too much about them rooming together. They have crossed the threshold of too much time together well before that, in their classes, rehearsing together, lunch breaks together, etc. And, of course, if he rooms with non-CAP kids as mine did, that can work out just fine too. Out of state kids get priority in dorms, which is good because there are not many dorm rooms.

When the housing director says, reach out to me, it is not lip service. She means it, and if your kid ever needs help, the staff there will bend over backward to help them.

They were pretty chill about letting D move in early. We literally showed up the day before move-in, asked security to let us in, and they were super nice. Which was a shock, because it was a holiday, and we did not ask beforehand. It helped because moving her stuff in on the evening of labor day meant we could start the loooong drive home early on Tuesday and back to work on Wednesday, lol. It also helped because last year (and it may be like this for your S this year), freshman had studio placement auditions ON move-in day, midday. And then the next day was the first day of class. So getting moving in out of the way meant one less thing to deal with.

Wow @EastchesterMom , that is so AWESOME! Congrats!! :slight_smile:

@EastchesterMom Exactly the type of news a parent wants to hear… Congrats… it’s encouraging to see these kids training allowing them to get work!!!