BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@CEarlMT - CAP has a plethora of industry professionals on staff - some have been with CAP for many years (so some were with CAP when they were with NYU) - some teach at multiple programs in the area (CAP, NYU, Julliard, Pace, etc…) - here is a link to their faculty profiles:

I will let some of the more veteran parents answer the other questions :wink:

@CEarlMT - Just asked D…she reports that during senior year, there are master classes once or twice per week. During all 4 years, there are master classes at the Madison Theatre - Seth Rudetsky gave one; Matthew Morrison gave one (he’s a CAP21 alum). The Madison’s director, Angelo Fraboni, brings in Broadway pros all the time for the kids, either to teach them or perform with them. The Madison is not part of the curriculum, but our experience was that they are partners with CAP21 in giving the kids great training.

@CEarlMT I would say - like any faculty from year to year - the answer is probably some yes and some no. Maybe @EastchesterMom has more info on actual numbers. I’d recommend taking a look at the faculty profiles. (I’ll try to put a link in at the bottom of my post, but I think those don’t usually work.) Their backgrounds are impressive. Many of them teach at CAP21 as well as other local programs like Tisch or Marymount. I would also say - I’m not sure that they have “masterclasses” per say, but do they need them when their faculty are largely NYC/Broadway working professionals? The pop rock project was just directed by the composer/lyricist of The Lightning Thief Musical (off broadway run and is now on national tour - and was nominated for 3 drama desk awards) directed the pop-rock project. I’d consider this basically a full semester master class performing for and receiving feedback from a current, successful creator. I’m sure there are many more examples that some of the folks with kids that are beyond freshman year might have.

Shows - oh the shows. I should have kept track of all the things my son has seen this year. In the two weeks prior to spring break, I know he saw The Iceman Cometh, Book of Mormon, and To Kill a Mockingbird. Others that I can remember - When Change Comes, The Prom, Once on This Island, a few different experimental/black-box theatre type shows - often because one of his professors was directing or acting in the show. (also concerts - he’s seen Panic! at the Disco and Half Alive and I think a couple of others) I’m sure there are others that I am not remembering. It’s hard to keep track. They have so many opportunities.

Link to faculty profiles page. If it doesn’t work, you can find this page on the Molloy website.

Were the shows included in the price of tuition or separate from the program?
That also leads me to another big question that’s been on my mind throughout the process. It seems as though most people going into MT programs are from middle or upper SES communities (this is not based on any real statistic, it’s purely anecdotal and I could be completely wrong), as someone coming from a lower SES community, should I be concerned about there being opportunities to do things that I wont be able to take part in for financial reasons? This typically wouldn’t be a question I’d ask, because I’m very understanding about my situation and don’t like to sound ungrateful for what I do have, but I read this study about lower SES kids getting into richer schools like Harvard and Stanford and feeling outcast because they weren’t able to go out and do the same things as other kids. Is this something that I should prepare myself for mentally before going into it?

@CEarlMT - not everyone in Class One was from a “middle or upper SES community.” Quite a few of D’s classmates worked their way through school. I don’t want to give too much away, but there was one who really had a tough time and got no parental support. This person is a proud graduate now, and missed not a single opportunity while in school - including getting a featured role in one of the big Madison shows during junior year. And there were NO outcasts in Class One! I’m not saying that everyone got along 100% of the time, but they were (and still are) a family - families may argue, but they can always count on each other. There was one student who fell behind during junior year; there were some personal issues, and talk that the student might have to repeat junior year. The entire class rallied around this student - who graduated on time, with the love and support of her cohort. Molloy/CAP21 is a very special place. D just spent last Sunday at a Class One mini-reunion. They are still family, and will be so forever.

The shows aren’t included in the tuition. That said, they’re pretty reasonably priced. My son is pretty frugal as the only spending money he has is what he earns during the summer or the odd birthday or Christmas gift. The college offers $5 tickets to broadway/off-broadway shows on a pretty regular basis. They only have so many tickets so not everyone gets them that wants them. You have to go sign up at an office (I don’t know which one - student affairs maybe?) and hope you’re early enough to get the tickets. All shows at the madison theatre (on campus) are $5-10 for CAP kids. Some of the shows, s has gotten tickets through a lottery or rush tickets that aren’t super cheap but they’re also pretty reasonable at around $25. The most expensive part of going to a show is the transportation in and out of the city.

@CEarlMT I really appreciate your question. Our family is also lower on the income scale and you voiced something that had been in the back of my head. Grateful for all of the encouraging responses.

@CEarlMT & @tatteredandfriendly & other potential parents - I agree with the previous comments and don’t think you should be concerned about SES being an issue. I also wanted to comment on faculty and curriculum. Aimee Francis is the director of curriculum and conservatory affairs. She has been with CAP21 since 1998, so all through the NYU days which is definitely a component to the program continuing many NYU characteristics and faculty. But you also have Henry Fonte, the department chair, who was with University of Miami and The Hartt School and he brings new things to CAP21. A group of us that were on CC for Class of 2021 formed a FB group after our kids got into college for both MT and Acting. I remember in the beginning as we were all talking about what our kids were saying about their programs, one mom who has a D at Hartt talked about their philosophy regarding freshman performing and I would say it was exactly on point with what Henry Fonte told us in our parent meeting for CAP21. I am sure he brings many things from both schools he was involved with as well as his professional career. Another example is at both UM and Hartt, Fonte was heavily involved in new works, which he is now starting to bring to CAP21.

Hi, I got accented to CAP21 a couple weeks ago and i was wondering if anyone who knew anything about the program could answer a few questions for me.
-Do the students get to perform in any straight plays or Shakespeare?
-are there any opportunities for directing or doing student produced shows?

Congrats and welcome, @spiderless! I will let those with students currently in the program answer, but I will chime in that the Molloy Performing Arts Club will give you a chance to produce/direct student-run shows…and there is no ban on freshmen participating. It’s not part of the curriculum, obviously, but the non-BFA talent was real when my D was involved with the club.

Congrats @spidertess! I have to say that I’m not really sure about the straight plays or Shakespeare. I have a freshman, and they’re generally not allowed to perform though I think as @EastchesterMom mentioned, the student run PAC is allowed. I know the first performance project is “story theater” which is a straight play. I believe it is an original work developed by the students based on something classical. (Someone from Sophomore class, please jump in and correct me!) I think this year’s was based off a greek tragedy or something along those lines.

@spidertess - @speezagmom is correct that the first project sophomore year is a straight play. It is different every year but I think it is typical that is some type of developed work. They do work on Shakespeare, my D says she has it next semester as part of the CAP21 studio classes, so that is Fall of Junior year. They do a lot of scene study work. She says the CAP21 kids are not really involved in the PAC but if you are really interested in directing, you could certainly change that. There is also a directing class that you can take as one of your electives.

We are a family of two high school teachers making state minimum in one of the lowest teachers pay in the nation. WE have accepted the responsibility of taking out parent plus loans to help ours achieve her dreams. She has just enough to live and transport herself. She is working to earn extra money when she can ( Not easy during the school year with rehearsal schedules) But she runs with all the kids, and sometimes sits out of New York activities due to finances, but the opportunity is still there whenever.

@spidertess - I see now I had a typo in your name, and it’s too late to edit…so here is the original message:

Congrats and welcome! I will let those with students currently in the program answer, but I will chime in that the Molloy Performing Arts Club will give you a chance to produce/direct student-run shows…and there is no ban on freshmen participating. It’s not part of the curriculum, obviously, but the non-BFA talent was real when my D was involved with the club.

@spidertess and all, just a clarification/correction to my information regarding the Shakespeare class. It is part of the CAP21 curriculum but it is one of the classes taught at Molloy, not as part of the studio classes taught in Manhattan.

Anyone else planning to visit during the Mon., Apr. 8 CAP21 accepted student day? We’re also planning to tour Molloy on Sun., Apr. 9 and would love to connect with others.

We will be visiting the Molloy campus on Sunday the 14th and then do the Manhattan Center tour on Monday the 21st., so will miss you @brieduck, but would love to hook up with anyone else who might be there when we are.

Give us all the skinny after that. My kiddo has prom and tech week begins…so we won’t be there.

@brieduck and @ZukAndSowash Have you talked to/emailed Rebecca and arranged sitting in on a class or two? I highly recommend getting into a couple of classes at each school you’re visiting. It really helped my S with his decision process. Have so much fun visiting. The Freshmen are at CAP21 on Mondays so maybe you’ll meet my son and @Javajo 's daughter when you tour the studios.

New playbill article - Faculty Member, Azudi Onyejekwe (The Great Comet, Violet), staring in new off-broadway production.