BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Awesome news @2019wolves ! Hope you enjoy your visit! :slight_smile:

Just read the NYT review of ā€œOklahomaā€ and was beyond thrilled to read that Ali Stroker is playing Ado Annie! Ali (Tisch/CAP21 2009) made history in 2015 by becoming the first actress in a wheelchair to appear on a Broadway stage. She originated the role of Anna in Deaf Westā€™s 2015 revival of Spring Awakening (which I saw, and which was amazing!). She has been paralyzed since age 2 after surviving a car accident. Congrats to one of our own!!

Iā€™ve been trying to understand the academic calendar for Molloy and am baffled. They donā€™t have one out yet for 2019/20, so I was just trying to get a rough idea of when breaks are based on the 2018/19 calendar but the one on the website is so completely confusing! It has like six different fall session systems (?) and doesnā€™t make clear when breaks are at all. Can anyone give me a better idea of what to expect? I have to start scheduling workshops that I teach and Iā€™m doing my best not to have them overlap with when my S might be on breaks. Thank you in advance for any clarity.

@tatteredandfriendly Here are the big breaks for this 2018-19
Thanksgiving Break - 11/21-11/25 (Wed - Sun)
Christmas Break - officially 12/21 - 1/13 (but they usually get out earlier based on when last final is)
Spring Break - 3/11 - 3/17
Easter Break - of course depends on when Easter falls this year 4/18 - 4/23

@tatteredandfriendly - The Molloy website could really use some improvements. This sounds illogical, but I go to the residence life section of the site and choose ā€œimportant datesā€. This gives you the dates youā€™re probably looking for as the dorm open/closed dates are what indicates when school starts, when the breaks are, when the school year ends, etc.

@waitingforlife and @speezagmom thank you! Very helpful. Never would have found my way to the Residence Life corner of the website.

Has anyone heard about any movement on the waitlist yet? Or know of people declining their offers of admission? The not knowing is so hard!

@MToverload My D is on the waitlist and has been communicating with Rebecca. She said she didnā€™t expect much movement until around now. D knows of several declined offers, but mostly boys. But we didnā€™t get a clear answer as to how many offers went out to know how many declined offers it will take for them to go to the waitlist. Keeping all our fingers and toes crossed as itā€™s been my Dā€™s top choice. Best of luck!!!

Last year, I donā€™t think they ever communicated a wait-list. I think people that just didnā€™t hear a decision til late were technically wait-listed but not told. (I could be totally wrong, but this is my thinking based on the posts from last year). Anyway, those people on here last year that didnā€™t hear anything til so late started to hear around April 15th last year. So - news could be just around the corner. I would guess the final decisions will start to heat up toward the end of next week.

Iā€™ve kept a running tally of those on CC who reported that their kids were admitted or WL to Molloy/CAP 21 - itā€™s 19 (17 admits and 2 WL). Of course, there could be more who just didnā€™t report it yet, and more who are not on CC (whatā€™s wrong with those people, anyway?). Most of the admitted kids have multiple offers. Only one of the admits (so far) has posted that he committed to another school. A second has narrowed it down to 2 schools, but named only one of them.

Last year was a mess; it was Rebeccaā€™s first year. Even the admitted students heard very late in the game. This year, they were right on time on March 1, so I think the WL may be run more efficiently this year. It thereā€™s going to be movement, itā€™ll be in the next 2 - 4 weeks. This is the worst time, @MTSongbirdMom and @MToverload - hang in there; weā€™re all pulling for you!

@MTSongbirdMom Itā€™s my Dā€™s first choice as well. She visited CAP21 a few weeks ago and had a long talk with Rebecca, but she couldnā€™t remember if she told her when she might hear something other than probably sometime in April lol. I do know that they accepted a lot of boys this year. Hopefully both of our Dā€™s will hear soon that they have spots in the program with merit aid!

@speezagmom and @EastchesterMom Thank you for the responses. It would be so nice to hear next week and not have to wait until the very last minute, but weā€™ll hold off committing anywhere else until the bitter end! Itā€™s been great to be able to read so much firsthand experience with the program, so thank you for that!

@MToverload Soon after I typed my response my daughter forwarded an email from Rebecca that said they will likely be going to the waitlist next week. She seemed very positive about my Dā€™s chances although we know anything can happen. So praying for both our Dā€™s to come off soon and be classmates!

@EastchesterMom and @speezagmom Thanks for all the information you (as well as others) have provided. And thanks for the encouragement and positive vibes. Itā€™s much appreciated!!!

@MTSongbirdMom Fantastic! Now Iā€™m curious if my own D received anything, but I wonā€™t be talking to her until late tonight. Keeping my fingers crossed and thinking happy thoughts for both of them!

@MToverload My D had reached out with a question and it was part of the response. So I donā€™t think it means anything if your D didnā€™t hear. Just wanted to pass along that hopefully we will hear soon!!!

Donā€™t look now, folks, but I have a friend whose Class of 2018 D committed to a school, then found out in AUGUST that she got in to her first-choice school off the waitlist. They went with the first-choice school - if I remember correctly, they did get their deposit back from the school she had committed to, but all their plans had to drastically change overnight. And then there are the waitlist schools that you never hear from - my D is still waiting 5 years later to hear whether she got in off the waitlist at SUNY Purchase, LOL!!! I donā€™t think that either of these will happen to you, though!

@EastchesterMom Wow that would be hard to switch gears late. Hoping we donā€™t have to wait that long. But my D might just do it!

My son has decided to go elsewhere. We will be contacting Rebecca tonight to let her know. Thanks to everyone on this thread who have been so supportive and helpful in this process. Best of luck to all.

Best of luck to your S @ZukAndSowash !

Iā€™m sure it was a tough decision, @ZukAndSowash! Weā€™ll miss you - break legs to your S!

@ZukAndSowash - Look forward to hearing your story and hope your S has found his place.